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Bright light shining on my face woke me up and I groaned as my throat began to hurt.

I slightly opened my eyes not knowing where I was nor how I got here in the first place. I only remember getting choked by Lucy before everything goes black.

I'm not in a hospital that's for sure. I'm laying on a black leather couch with a woolly blanket draped over my body. "Evie, sweetheart, you're finally awake", I can hear my Mom saying before looking to the left.

She's smiling at me, sitting there with one leg crossed over the other and her purse on her lap. "Didn't I tell you and your little coworker friend to stop getting on cases?", she asks in a sickeningly sweet tone.

I swallow but regret it as my throat begins to burn. "Yeah your throat took quite the bruising from your little experiment, sweetheart", she shakes her head sighing before giving me a cup of water.

I take a sip from it and it instantly cools down my throat from the inside. "Where am I?", I asked in a raspy voice taking another sip from the cup.

"You're in the labs of Fittes and Rotwell, Evie. A little birdy told me you survived two ghost touches, that's worth mentioning don't you think?", she smiles at me and I give her a weird look.

"Not if it doesn't affect you, mother", I whisper not trusting my voice and she scoffs.

"Oh but it does affect me, darling. In fact it's a grand opportunity for all of us", she stands up from her seat. "And as for you, see it as...helping the society", she smiles turning around leaving the room and me alone in it.

That's when I hear a locket getting closed and all of a sudden bright light shines from the ceiling. "What the hell", I mumble sitting up and shoving the blanket away from me.

The room is brightly lighted up and suddenly I remember where I had seen this before.

My mind goes into a state of panic as I watch the clear walls with caution. I'm basically in a cage of glass, trapped inside with a source of god knows what type.

"Please be a type one", I whisper to myself grabbing the only equipment I got offered. It was a rapier. Mine to be exact. How did they even got it without being suspicious in Lockwoods house?

"Oh you naive little child", I hear a chuckle behind me making me turn around holding my rapier on front of me. "'Please be a type one', ha", I mocks and laughs at me.

I recognise this voice. It was the one from my first case with Lockwoods a couple months ago. "Where are you?", I ask it and hear it's footsteps behind me so I turn around to see a black smoking figure.

"That didn't do anything the first time, now did it?", it points to my rapier making me look down at the metal blade gripped firmly in my right hand.

"Let's just get this over with", I hear it sigh before it attacks me making me gasp in shock as the sudden icy feeling goes through my body again.

The feeling turns into pure exhaustion as I sink to my knees letting my rapier clatter to the floor beneath me.

"We have what we want", I hear my mother say to someone before the door gets unlocked and I stand up weakly walking towards it.

"See, that wasn't so bad, now was it?", she smiled patting my shoulder briefly.

"Easy for you to say! I got ghost touched twice today, I am exhausted", I sigh angrily making my mother chuckle.

"Oh darling, no. You got ghost touched one month ago, you've been sleeping till now", she smiles at me and I stop from walking towards the exit.

"What? One month?!", I exclaim shocked at what she just said. She nods as it was not that big of a deal.

"Of course we couldn't wait this long to get your consent, but since you're under age and I'm your caretaker that wasn't a problem", she speaks again making my mouth nearly drop to the floor.

"What did you do? What the hell did you do to me!", I scream at her and she doesn't even flinch. Psychopath. "Tell me!", I yell at her angrily. Who does she think she is?

"Nothing for your concerns. Now if you excuse me, I have a meeting to attend to. You may go back to that shaggy agency", she dismisses me with a flick of her hand before turning away from me walking in the opposite direction.

I stand there a few momenta longer before a hand touches my shoulder making me turn around. "What the hell are you doing here, Quill?", I asked him shocked.

He sighs and takes his hand off my shoulder to scratch the back of his neck. "I'm here to escort your home, or whatever you call the Lockwoods residence", he smiles at me as I give him an icy glare.

"You knew about this...experiments?!", I gesture to the laboratory I woke up in and he nods shyly avoiding my eyes. "Wow...and here I thought we were friends", I scoff at him shaking my head.

"We are! You knew this was going to happen eventually, Evie. I could've lost my job, if I risked to stop this whole thing", he reasoned as we walked towards the exit. "And you are participating in a revolutionary experiment!", he adds sounding excited about what they had found.

"See that's where you're wrong, because I am the experiment", I spit at him before picking up my pace walking out of the doors of the building.

I am never setting a foot in there ever again.

KNOW MY NAME | Anthony LockwoodWhere stories live. Discover now