Chapter 27

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Nate does not wait a second. His hands feverishly go to my hair again, tilting my head back roughly and his mouth crashes with mine once again.

I let out a slight whimper, the slight bit on my scalp making me see the stars in heaven. I opened for him, his lisp clashing with mine and sweep all the last bit of control and sanity I had.

Both my hands explored under his shirt, his hard body reminding me of the man that was currently ravishing me. I pulled his shirt off his body, momentarily losing his contact on my lips. I wrapped my hand around his neck and pulled him back to me as he roughly removed my shirt over my arms, the buttons flying hazardously across the floor.

"I have no intention of stopping." Nate mumbled it in my ear, and I could feel his teeth brushing against the skin of my ear.

I felt the goosebumps ripple across the whole of my body and my skin.

We had a ravenous appetite for one another. This kiss felt like two starving individuals finally sharing a dish together to satiate their hunger. This was the air we breathed. This was the thread that kept us alive.

I could care less about anything at this point in my life. Nate was the only one who could make me experience what it felt like to be fully alive and to soar above the skies. It makes no difference to me that he was probably someone I ought to be cautious with. At this very moment, he was completely mine, and I was completely his.

I let out a startled shriek as he pulled me off the ground and his hands went down to the back of my legs. I kept a firm grip on his shoulders while hesitatingly giggling under my breath. When I came up to his lips, I said, "What are we doing?"

"I don't know," he said in response, regaining control of my lips with his own.

He carried me effortlessly past the living room and into his bedroom. As soon as he kicked open the door, my stomach began to churn with anticipation. After that point, everything became quite chaotic.

I glanced around his room, wanted to see what his private space was like, but the curtains were drawn, and the lights were off. I got dropped on the bed and I propped on my elbows, looking up at a bare-chested Nate. This is the first time I saw him like this. And the intricate tattoo that was carved into one of his pectorals. All smooth skin covered the rest of him.

"Ellie," Nate said slowly. I moved up to the bed and started pulling down my pants, all the while keeping my eyes locked on his. We were going to do this. His eyes dipped to where I slowly started to begin spreading my thighs.

A tentative smile curved my lips. "Nate."

He smirked down at me but made no attempt to get any closer to me. I decided to take it upon myself to eliminate his reluctance and make the first move.

I got down on my hands and knees and started crawling towards him. He kept a wary eye on the situation, his lips just slightly parted as he observed.

I inched closer to him slowly and carefully, as if I were hunting my own game to gorge myself on. He made an audible swallowing sound, but other than that, he was perfectly motionless.

When I came close to his body, I flicked my tongue against the firm flesh of his abs. One touch. One blaze. One push over the edge and he pounced on me.

His large hands fisted the back of my head and rear it back, exposing my throat to him. I felt so open for him, so vulnerable but so much in need for him. He pushed me back into the bed, aggressively but all hesitation has disappeared from his eyes.

He was primal and was moving with instinct right now. I could not breathe anymore. His arms snaked around my waist and pushed me down on the bed fully. I could barely catch a breath before he was fully on me, devouring each exposed skin as he passed over it.

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