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Responsibility wasn't something to be taken lightly. It took priority, arguably one of the highest priorities in anyone's life. A poor farmer had the responsibility to provide for his family just as much as the ruler of a kingdom had the responsibility to provide for his people. Responsibility didn't care for rank or financial status. 

It held everyone by the same leash.

As Lasya looked upon the cheering crowd, the overbearing weight of her newfound responsibility dawned on her. They were all her people now. Her family. She had to look out for their best interests and make sure that they remained safe. More so than before.

As her eyes scanned the overwhelming sight before her, they latched onto a tiny figure weaving his way through the crowd, his limbs carrying him faster than his brain could comprehend. His excited eyes shot up to her once he made his way out, waving frantically with a wide grin. A chuckle escaped her as she waved back. 

Avyukt could have been six, but his mind was anything but. He was way too smart for his own good and the little monster knew it. She had been taking care of him ever since he was three, aiding the matron of the kingdom's orphanage as she could never catch up to the six-year-old's energy. Being the daughter of the Welfare Minister had its perks, and getting to spend time with the orphaned kids was a big part of that.

The Queen Mother moved to her side. Her gaze remained fixated on the people as she spoke. "You're the Queen of Vibhava now. It's a heavy title to bear with equally important duties. Your life won't just revolve around you and your family anymore, Lasya. It'll include the four farthest ends of the kingdom. You need to be ready if you don't want to drown under the weight of the expectations."

She turned to her, measuring the impact of each word as she spoke to one of the most powerful people in the kingdom. She might not be the reigning queen, but she was the queen once. That was all a person needed to gauge the true intentions beneath the faux loyalty and respect that the people around them wore like clothes every day.

"Being Queen wasn't a choice I made, Rajamata, but I'm going to play the role like I did. I won't let any excuses hinder me from making the right decisions. I assure you of that."

The Queen Mother observed her for a good minute. "You're committing to big words. Prove it and you will start earning respect. Not just mine, but from the entire kingdom. Until then, remember that the people who bow in front of you will be the ones who wouldn't hesitate to plunge a knife in your back the first chance they get."

As terrifying as the prospect sounded, Lasya knew that she was right. She had been in her shoes after all. If there was one person that Lasya could trust to know about the circumstance that she had been thrown into, it was the Queen Mother. She would be wary, of course, but she would pay heed to her words whenever they seemed right.

"I know that your marriage wasn't ideal, but Rudra never makes a decision without thinking it over a hundred times, especially when it concerns the kingdom. If he trusts you to be a good Queen, then I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Don't prove him wrong."

Lasya's eyes shifted from the Queen Mother to her husband, watching as he looked out at the crowd. His eyes seemed distant. A little too distant. She followed his gaze, halting at the endless horizon that encompassed their kingdom. His determined gaze made much more sense now.

He wanted to conquer. How typical.

Hazel eyes snapped to hers, almost as if he could feel her gaze on him. She liked to think that it felt like the caress of a breeze, but it probably felt like ants crawling under his skin. Lasya could sense the question in his eyes, a different question as opposed to hers, but he didn't voice it out loud. She simply held his gaze. 

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