eighteen | typical tuesday night

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"This is a bad idea." Corey sings as we descend the staircase.

"What's a bad idea?" Gabe asks, stepping out of the kitchen.

Corey coughs.

"Er," I stammer. "We're going..." Scratching the back of my neck, I stare at my brother who is patiently waiting for an answer. "to do coke."

His eyes widen. "Coke?"

Corey coughs again.

Gabe starts laughing. "That's funny." He pats my shoulder and jogs up the stairs.

"Cocaine? Really? That's all you could come up with?" Corey asks when he's out of earshot.

"Well if your big mouth hadn't been running--" I cut myself off and pinch the bridge of my nose. "You can't talk me out of this. I'm going."

Corey stares at me for a beat, but to my surprise, he nods. "Alright." My best friend sighs. "Just be careful."

"I will." I slap his bicep. "Thank you."

I grab my keys off the hook and go to open the door, but before I twist the handle, I turn around. "Do I look okay?"

Corey groans. "Please leave before I change my mind."

I chuckle and open the door. Hopping in my car, I start the engine and roll the window down partly. It's a cordial fifty degrees out, and Riley is always cold, so I'm enjoying the weather before she's in here cranking up the heat.

Riley had texted me that Lou should be gone, so I go into her dorm building when I arrive, and take the steps two at a time.

I knock on the door twice and wait for it to open. But I keep waiting. So I knock again.

I hear no movement inside.

Another three knocks.


I turn the doorknob to check if it's unlocked, and when it is, I slowly push the door open. "Riley?" Silence.

A lump settles at the base of my throat. She's not the type of person to stand me up. Maybe she's just running late.

I cautiously step inside, not wanting to overstep my boundaries. "Hello?"

Riley's bedroom light is on, but the door is closed. I walk down the hallway and rap on her door. "Ri?" When I hear a whimper, I push the door open and look around frantically. No sign of her. But the movement in the bathroom across the hall catches my attention.

I turn on my heel and push the partly open door even more open, and stick my head inside. My stomach flips when I see Riley sitting on the floor, crying.

I stumble inside when my foot catches on the doorframe, but I manage to keep myself upright.

I squat down in front of her. "Riley, what's wrong, sweetheart?"

She wipes at her cheeks and sniffles. "Nothing."

"You wouldn't be sitting on the floor crying if it were nothing." I feel myself frown. "What is it, baby?"

She swallows slowly. "I fell when I was getting out of the shower."

"Okay." I nod. "Are you hurt?"

She shakes her head. "I don't think so. I mean, my knee hurt at first, but it feels fine now."

"Do you want me to take you to the doctor?"

She shakes her head again. "No." Then she looks away. "Can you just go?"

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