What now? pt. 1

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Youthful chatter met their ears but they were too busy thinking about the purpose of their life or more specifically their existence.

'So, now what?'

Everything was too simple, which they would've accepted easily if they didn't know they had died last week or however, time worked after death. She at the time died exhilarating, unlatched and propelled out of her rollercoaster seat. The pain of her head hitting the ground first never even registered. Of course, she didn't think she was going to die, she had that whole youthful damnation thing going on, forever alive. Look where that got her. She didn't know how ownership over bodies worked but was beginning to suspect she would be in this body for a long time.

She was currently in the body of Ishida Goro, which didn't mean much to anyone, except maybe if you had read a specific book with the same character's name. It was all starting to add up which she already had added up, all of it equalling to her being transmigrated or reincarnated. She didn't know the specific terminology but who cared, she wasn't planning on sharing such information. Her dilemma was how easily everything was coming together. Like all panicking mob victims of isekai's she had decided to avoid her fate or demise, that being she was in a minor villain's body. Or that she was the villain now. Ishida Goro, the second son of a second-generation rich family... so... young money. She, they, He was fine with that, whatever.

He was feeling quite apathetic to the situation or maybe this is how he panicked. It was three weeks ago when he was pushed in a pool and then gurgled on chorine and his own spit which was then followed by two days of living with a headache and cold, gaining all the memories of Ishida Goro. or maybe Ishida Goro had gained the memories? He raised his eyebrow in thought. What was the purpose of their existence? If they had died and were promptly dumped in a body that had too almost died but actually had a purpose that was easily avoided with little effort. He himself could say with surety, he was an asshole, maybe still was. That was the only thing he was sure about in the haze of his mind whenever he thought about what was his and what was hers. Now that he was more self-aware it now meant he had to think about the future and really he didn't have a direction in mind. He was supposed to get trashed and dumped on after giving the protagonist some insecurities but as it was the third week of school and he was in class instead of skipping it to bully the protagonist, well, you could see where this was going. It was all too simple. First week of school, as soon as he saw the protagonist in the hall almost bump into him unnaturally so, he dodged so hard the plot wouldn't have anything to say about it. He was kind of proud of himself for that, side-stepping so the protagonist wouldn't walk into him. Now here he was, sitting at his desk, the 3rd row out of five, and in the 3rd seat.

'So, what now?'

He had no purpose, he experienced death, probably was crazy and he wasn't jumping through hoops to please anyone. All the tropes, cliches, and red flags weren't around but he was getting paranoid. If he thought about them, would they come to him? And if he thought he was safe would he unknowingly stumble into them? This was definitely a loss, loss situation. He didn't even need to be here, he didn't need to be Ishida Goro. The more he thought about it the more sure he was that he was probably crazy. The sliding door to the classroom struggled a little with a scuffle before fully opening, the teacher entered with another person. She seemed to be someone around a student's age but wasn't wearing the school uniform so it was kind of hard to tell since almost everyone to Goro looked young. His perception of norms being warped recently.

"Good morning students!" the teacher said to get everyone's attention.

"Today we'll be having someone new join us, please give her a warm welcome, now would you introduce yourself to the class," it was more of a statement than anything.

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