Chapter 19

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As it turned out, there weren't as many TVs and laptops in the mansion as Kaleth had been hoping, but there was a lot more jewelry

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As it turned out, there weren't as many TVs and laptops in the mansion as Kaleth had been hoping, but there was a lot more jewelry. He didn't remember Feria being interested in such things, but he supposed people changed. Or maybe she and her husband hadn't known how else to spend their money, anymore.

Most of the gems on the rings and necklaces seemed to be rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. There was also a ring made of jade, which made Kaleth question why Feria, or anyone else for that matter, would like something this ugly, but he didn't like jewelry in general, so maybe he wasn't the best person to judge.

"So, this is everything we could find, excluding one TV we couldn't get off the wall, and a laptop, which we kept in case we need one," Rayni said, adding a box containing several watches to the pile of items in the trunk of one of Ramien's cars. There were only two cars parked on the roof of the house, but both were relatively modern, meaning that they were still manually driven, but could fly. Kaleth's father must have moved his antique ones somewhere else. "You know, I thought there would be more stuff."

"Well, this has always been more of a summer residence," Kaleth explained, shutting the trunk. "That's why most of it is closed off. I imagine now that Edras and I are not children anymore, Ramien has little reason to stay here for longer periods of time."

"What's up with all the ridiculous security, then?"

"Father planned to hide here if there was another war," Kaleth replied, and Rayni shrugged.

"Well then, this is a really bad time to give this house to you," Rayni joked, making Kaleth sigh as he got into the car, choosing to sit in the back rather than having another fight with Rayni about who the better driver was. Not because he was admitting Rayni was better, they just didn't have time for it, of course.

Rayni seemed very pleased by this and quickly started the car before Kaleth could change his mind. Thankfully she had enough self-control not to take off without Kara and Mel. Although Kaleth supposed Mel didn't need a car to fly, which reminded him that Alor's sunglasses were still on his nose. He raised his hand to take them off but then decided against it. The less his face was visible, the better.

When the door next to him swung open, he automatically looked to his right to see Mel, who seemed to be silently asking if he could sit down with a nervous expression. Kaleth just nodded at him and gestured to the empty seat next to him, which the Eternal gratefully took and started looking around with wonder in his eyes.

Most likely sensing Kaleth's confusion, Mel explained: "I've never been in a car before."

Rayni turned around to look at the Eternal. "Seriously?" Before Mel could confirm, she laughed. "Well, it's not like you need a car, right?"

Mel didn't reply, but he did smile at the joke, albeit a little hesitantly. Kaleth took that as a good sign. Maybe talking and being exposed to Rayni's stupid humor could help him.

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