20 | everything in between, everything in between

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CHAPTER TWENTYlong hair, slicked back, whitet-shirt

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long hair, slicked back, white

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LUNA WAS IN the midst of making her bed when she heard the sound of glass tapping.

She had been awake for a little bit and had finally gotten the willpower to get out of bed. After opening up her windows to let in some light, she had moved onto making her bed. Luna glanced up from placing her pillows over her comforter to see Noah across the way, standing right by his window. Once their eyes locked, he smiled brightly and waved at her. Luna grinned and waved back before grabbing her pen and paper on her bedside table, noticing Noah had his.

Noah wrote for a moment before holding up his paper. Nice shirt.

Luna looked down for a moment — it was famous Ohio State Buckeyes long-sleeve — before writing her answer. Thanks. It's comfy. Good luck getting it back.

Looks better on you anyways. Noah then wrote for another moment before holding up a new message. I've been waiting for you to get up for ages.

She let out a small laugh. You know you could've texted me asking if I was awake, right? There's this thing called technology.

Noah rolled his eyes at her. This is way more fun. He then hesitated for a moment, and even through the glass and from some distance, she could see the slight nervousness on his face. I believe I promised you something for when I came back from North Carolina.

Luna felt her cheeks get warm — she, of course, knew what he was alluding to, but she wanted to actually hear it . . . or see it written, in this case. And what would that be?

Noah flipped to a new page and wrote four letters before holding it up. DATE?

Her smile widened, her heart racing fast against her chest. I would be honored to When?

He seemed to lose some of the tension in his shoulders, and his expression automatically got happier. You free today? I have an idea.

I'm all yours, Luna replied, both in the sense of the date itself and actually dating him.

I'll pick you up in 30.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄  ―  foolish_gamers  ✓Where stories live. Discover now