Impression impact...

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(OML thank you for the reads and the creator of another Ein x pierce story! Their name on wattpad is  df_clyde! And they are a lovely person in all! I hope you enjoy this chapter! ♡♡)

*~Eins POV~*

I sigh hoping the next two siblings like me- although I can't really tell know here like me and who doesn't.. I mean! I know pierce likes me- but... that really it his mother seems to somewhat like me.. I guess?-

Then a short younger girl came from the couch she looked to be eh? 8-ish? 

"Hello!" She said brightly

"Hi!" I said smiling 

"I'm nelly!" She told me 

"I'm Ein!" I said looking at the young girl

"are you a boy?" She asked

"Y-yeah?" I replied 


"Hmm.." then she looked at pierce 

"But my brothers a boy.. and you're a boy- are you his friend?" She asked me 

"Oh! Uh.. I mean.. you could say that.. but no not really—" I said

"You're hopeless- if you're not going to give me information then I'm going to ask my brother!" She said turning to pierce

CRAP DID I JUST MAKE ONE OF HIS SIBLINGS UPSET- oh no.. what if she doesn't like me.. oh no no no no no- UGHHH WHY COULDN'T I BE BORN A PEOPLE PLEASER ughhhhh what if I don't get excepted by her- what if she hates me! Uh hmm well if she does- what do 8 year olds like.. hmm- they like stuff and things okay that works out in my favor a guess sense she doesn't seem picky.. BUT PLEASE EXEPT ME! Otherwise your.. ehem- brother right there might leave meeeee why do I have the urge to die on the floor- THEN WHAT KIND OF IMPRESSION WOULD THAT MAKE- ;-;

Then the girl turned back to me

"Tell me who you are!!" She said grabbing me by the collar and shaking me!

"Hey-" I said


"Nelly!" Pierces mother said

Then she let go of me and turned around

"Hi mommy!" She said WHAT A SUCK UP-

"I saw that!" Her mother said

"Well brother won't tell me if he's a friend or not! I and this boy like blue monster won't tell me ether! So what else am I supposed to do?" She asked her mom

"Don't shake him-" she said "AND- if you want to know so badly ask me or your father! Don't pester your brother or his boyfriend!" She stated 

"BOYFRIEND?!" She gasped


Oh god.. is this little twerp homophobic? AHH CRAP-


Oh I guess not..

" well I mean as long as their not being to- mushy he can stay BECAUSE YOU AND DAD ARE THE MUSHIEST OF MUSHY" Nelly said 'VoMitInG'

And I guess we alerted the other sibling because they got up and stepped forward 

"PIERCY HAS A BOYFRIEND HA- I WONT BELIEVE- oh you weren't joking.." the young male said

"Hey brother!" He waved

"Now.." he said stepping closer to me

"What's your name.." he asked

"I'm Ein-" I said

"Hello Ein! I'm kyran! Nice to meet you!" He said

"Hi kyran!-" I responded quickly

"Hmm.. how long have you been dating my brother?" The 12 year old asked

"Uh.. a c-couple months-" I said

"Okay.. good to know.." he said

"So these are all your siblings?" I asked pierce

"Nope-" he said


"How many siblings do you have?-" I questioned 

"Uh we have Nelly, Kyran, Olive, Ame, me, and patty!" He said

"Woah-" I replied "why so many?" I asked

"I don't know it's like my mother was made to have children-" he said

"Also just so you know what Nelly ment by 'mushy' was kissing and or making out when she's near or in front of us-" he said

"Oh- that's easy.." I replied 

"But where are the other two siblings you have?" I asked

"Worry about them later how about you unpack and then ask about the-" he replied 

"Okay!" I said

Then we grabbed are stuff and walked up stairs then when we entered the room we started unpacking 

"I hope I make a fine impression-" I muttered

"You'll make a fine one just be you!" Pierce said

"Wait you heard me?!" I asked

"Yeah-" he laughed 

"Ughhh-" I said 

"What?" Pierce asked me

"That's so embarrassing! Your! The guys parents and siblings I'm meeting- AND heard me worry about impressions!" I said with a sigh

"It's not that bad- honestly I think it was more funny than anything and a bit odd- look you'll be fine- just be yourself damn it!" Pierce said smiling

"Fine-" I said then I continued unpacking my bags


"Who is it??!" Pierce asked

"OPEN UP STUPID ITS ME AME!"  "AND PATTY!!" The two girls shouted

"Come in-" he replied 

The two girls walked in

"Hey bro!" One of the girls said

"Hey patty-" pierce replied 

"Who's he?~" Ame asked 

"That my dear sister is my boyfriend" pierce replied 

"PFFT haha! You find a lover? That's the funniest thing I've heard all day-" she laughed

"ITs true though!" I said looking at the two

"Huh- weird! But nice to meet you I'm one of Pierce's younger siblings! My name is Ame and this is my lame twin Patty-" she said pointing at the girl behind her

"Oh! Cool my names Ein!" I said

"Nice need some help unpacking or do y'all wanna make out in here?"Ame teased

"AME- I mean-.. Ein?" Pierce asked

"Heh- try again later love-" I said smiling 

"Uh well first off I'm not lame- and yeah I'm patty! Hi Ein!!" Patty said looking at me happily

"Good to know!" I laughed

"Ha! I like you!" Ame said 


(That is we're I'm leaving it for now- thank you so flipping much for 320+ reads! IT MEANS THE WORLD I HOPE EVERY ONE HAS A FANTASTIC DAY AND MAYBE GO CHEAK OUT df_clyde)

Word count: 964

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