Chapter 30 - Boys..? Where are you..

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(Minor Edits January 8, 2024)


This chapter has references to sexual assault. Viewer discretion advised.

- Royal Bedchambers - Emily POV -

Sitting in the bed, wrapped up like a cocoon. I glare at my supposed new maid servant. Wearing a very revealing outfit now.. it's practically fucking lingerie!! Jesus Christ.. "What's your name?" I ask the Dryad as I look her up and down. Looks like Lunara or one of the druids from wow-

"Lunarius my lady. Do you wish for me to get you something to eat?" Can they get more unoriginal? Ffs.. The Dryad tilts her head and I sigh loudly, looking down to my wrist. Why didn't I wear my goddamn bangle? Jesus Christ.. the one fucking time I don't wear it I'm kidnapped.. I sigh mentally.

"Yeah.. That would be fine, some cheeseburgers and fries would be nice.." I shrug my shoulders with indifference. I need some fucking comfort food after this whole ordeal.

"I shall get it for you right away." Lunarius stands up and walks out of the room, her hooves clacking on the stone floors..

Once she closes the door, I wait a minute until I can't hear the sound of her hooves, then jump up. Rushing to the door with the blanket around me, opening it up- "and I oop-" Two deer headed guards in full armor are outside the door, they look down at me and I shrink under their gaze. "Uh.. hi..?" This place is filled with fucking furries.

"Return to your room, you won't be able to escape. We have been ordered by King Oberon to assure you stay in the wilds." I walk back into the room and look around. There goes that plan.. Now what? Weapon? There's nothing sharp, I doubt I could deal damage to a fae anyway. They probably don't have any iron here.

"Fuck.. I need to call for help again.. they should of been here by now.." I sit down on the floor next to the bed, clasping my hands together closing my eyes. "Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel, Castiel.. If you can hear me, I'm in the fae wilds. I've been kidnapped. Please help me.. I.. I don't know what he's going to do to me-"

"I'm going to do plenty my beautiful blossom." I yelp out in surprise as I hear Oberon standing behind me. He's holding a tray of food in one hand as he smirks down at me. "Eat." He sets the tray down and walks around the bed to a dresser.. then begins to take off his clothes. Queue the anime nosebleed. He's going to give me a goddamn heart attack... no matter how much I want to take a mental screenshot.. Im faithful.

I quickly avert my gaze getting up to grab my food, digging in as I sit down and stare at the bed. I hear the sheets shuffle behind me and feel his eyes on me. "I saw your clothes on the floor.. I'm glad that you're wearing what I had made for you Blossom." He reaches out and teases his finger at the edge of my blanket cocoon. NAY, NAY I SAY FOUL HEATHEN! Using mental comedy to keep myself sane and to cope.

"uh... thanks for the food." I say as I quickly finish up. Plopping on the bed facing away from him as I curl up into a ball, holding onto the blanket for dear life with an iron clad grip. Fuckers gonna need the jaws of life to open up my safety cocoon!

Oberon sighs loudly as he looks at me. "Remove the blanket." My body moves robotically, pushing the blanket off my body as I try to fight it. Or he could do that. "Come here and cuddle with me." My body scooches backwards without my say so, moving so his arms wrap around me-

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