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Ch 39: General Candore

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A warm gust of evening air blew past me, flicking up sand that related against my suit and stung my face as I looked off into the distance. This planetary rotation was waning, and the red suns were already falling across the horizon, lighting up the skies with brilliant deep crimson and maroon colors that reflected across the endless pool of glimmering blue water before me.

Taking a long breath, I watched as the suns disappeared completely behind the rolling ocean in the distance, taking all of the light with them and casting my home world in darkness.

It was time.

Turning away from the water, I made my way back to the base where my brothers awaited me. All the while, the environment around me began to change with the vanishing of suns and the coming of darkness. As I marched, the lush ground beneath me came to life, alighting in a luminescent glow with each of my steps startling awake the nocturnal life forms residing there. The Duresca trees that surrounded me too began to light up, reflecting the light of the moon to glow a rich emerald green that lit the path for my return.

It wasn't long until I had navigated my way through the lush forest back to the base, stopping just before the entrance of the large silver structure before me. Though before I entered, I turned back, taking one last look up into the sky to see the countless reflections of light of distant planets and systems speckling the endless darkness above. Lighting its own path for my people to take, tonight.

Turning away, I approached the large base until I stood before the large silver wall of the towering entrance. My eyes fell down to my reflection against the wall, where the intelligence system immediately recognized my presence.


The base's robotic intelligence system greeted me as the wall I stood before vanished in a silver glimmering ripple, allowing me passage.

Stepping inside, my steps echoed across the endless hallways as I made my way deeper into the base and toward the hangar where the entirety of my fleet awaited. A crowd of anxious voices began sounding around me, their deep baritone whispers echoing against the walls as I passed.

They were anxious, as was I. The news we had received earlier today was unbelievable and sparked a frenzy of excitement and anxiety throughout our fleet as word spread and our preparations for the mission began.

As I grew nearer, the voices hushed on cue as I approached the hangar and came to a stop at the doorway that vanished to allow me entry. Immediately the dozens of soldiers paused in their communications to stop, raising their hands to salute when my form appeared before them.

"At ease, soldiers," I announced, my voice emanating throughout the room as I entered. At my command, the soldiers rested in their salutes yet remained attentive and silent, their eyes swirling with excitement as I passed.

I made my way across the line of soldiers who bowed as I walked by until I stopped before the one I had appointed to be my second in command following Vorian's disappearance. His long dark hair was tightly braided to his scalp for battle, exposing the long black scar that ran down his temple across his left eye and down to his lip. As I approached, Ronan followed my movements with his eyes. However, his left eye remained dull and gray, unseeing.

The memory of how he had gotten that scar was still fresh in my mind, but it served as a reminder of his valor and competence in battle. Which made him the only logical choice to lead such an important mission.

"Ronan, how are the preparations coming along?" I asked and the tall Zurian saluted me before responding.

"Preparations have been completed as you commanded, General," Ronan replied and I nodded.

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