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"Mia what have you been doing," Ace says while entering Leah's room

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"Mia what have you been doing," Ace says while entering Leah's room.

"She got me ready for the trip," Leah says.

I was currently packing Leah's suitcase for Scotland. For your information, she has adorable clothes. I packed some swimsuits, pjs, shorts, and T-shirts. I put only 3 nice outfits in her suitcase. Just in case Ace wants to bring her to an event.

"I packed the suitcase so you wouldn't have to worry about it," I say.

"You didn't have to," he says.

"But I wanted to, also Blake and them already left," I say.

"Thank you for this and the heads up," he says.

"You are welcome and besides she looks adorable." I fold some of her clothes into the suitcase.

"I agree," he says.

"So when should we leave for the airport."

"In about two hours. Todd already sent me the information about hotels and the dates of some events. I will send you the email he sent me."

"Okay sounds good and since I did all the packing you have to make me breakfast," I say.

"What would you like," I ask

"Hmmm, I think I want an Iced coffee and a cinnamon roll," I say.

"Coming right up."

We boarded the plane 20 minutes ago

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We boarded the plane 20 minutes ago. I have not sat in better seats in a while. I sigh relaxing my body into the chair.

"You can thank my father later," Mia says.

We are sitting first class and are on our way to Scotland. We have four more hours to go. Leah is already passed out and Mia and I have been going over the schedule.

"So how many meetings will you have? Is there anything going on tonight," she asks.

"We have to check into the hotel and it will be around 3 am when we get there because of the time difference," I say.

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