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Also, the van is one if those creepy man white vans, but it's hella clean:

Hyunjin started feeling a bit better the farther they got from Busan. Chan drove the entire time, besides now. He finally got tired after three sleepless nights and took some pills that were in the trunk of the van. Jisung moved up the front, driving, while Changbin was standing in the back, organizing the guns.

  The two in the back were discussing where the placements of the weapons should be. Changbin set a gun in a spot exactly, before Hyunjin placed it down as well, in the seemingly wrong spot.

  "NOT THERE!!! Fucking hell..." The older snapped at him, glaring at the younger who flinched back. Situations like this happened often, and it wasn't intentional either. "Sorry. Sorry... I- I can't control it anymore..."

  The brunette shook his head, looking down and picking the gun up, "It's fine. I get it... Where do you want this?"

  The squirrel like man glanced back, not worried about the road since it was just straight. He sighed heavily.

  "Changbin Hyung, take your fucking medicine and this shit wouldn't happen." Jisung snorted, his ruder side clearly on.

  "Shut it, runt. I took them." He growled out, putting the daggers in the correct positions. Chan groaned and covered his ears, rolling onto his side on the cot that the two back seats transformed into.

  "Stop arguing... Hyunjin-ah go sit in the front and let Changbitch do what he wants." He told them drowsily, opening his eyes slightly to look at the second oldest who bit his lip in frustration.

  "Fine. Go." Changbin said through his gritted teeth, his eyes narrowing at the oldest who nodded and went back to sleep, "Asshole..."

  Chan let out a shaky breath, "Should we stop for food?"

  "Mhm." Jisung nodded, turning the wheel to the exit nearby, "Where at?"

  "Anywhere works. We just have to get take out because we can risk any traces." Changbin explained as he sat up. Hyunjin nodded.

  "Alrighty. I'll go in too." Chan said, taking off his shirt to change. Jisung smirked and looked at him in a playful manor.

  He glanced over at Changbin who rolled his eyes, "We should go to a club. Y'know, let loose for a night or two."

  "We can risk to 'let loose'." Hyunjin said with a soft voice, "And Jisung, we're literally underaged. Me and you are fifteen."

  "So what? I lost my virginity months ago. Chan's eighteen so it's fine." He smiled brightly as the older rolled his eyes, "Plus, you can't lie and say you didn't miss the hot chicks, right Hyung?~"

  "Girls aren't the same anymore." He responded in boredom, pulling on his blue hoodie to cover his raven hair, "Pass me the mask, would you?"

  "Okay, then men? Look I'm sick of being on the road. I need something other than burger in my system!"

  "You rather have a woman in your system?" Changbin retorted, raising an eyebrow. Jisung turned beat red.

  "NO NO NO! THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT!!! I MEANT LIKE WINE AND CHICKEN AND STUFF!!!" He rushed out loudly, shaking his hands and head.

  Hyunjin sighed, "Could we go to a bar instead? I rather not be surrounded in shirtless men and women with their tits sticking out."

  "Better idea, let's just keep driving until we get to a nice hotel and then you guys can drink whatever the fuck you want safely." Chan suggested, putting on the mask with a gun in his pocket, just Incase it comes to it. The man stuck out his hand towards Changbin who placed his dad's credit card in his hand.

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