3 am

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"I'm gonna call a taxi so I can go back to Maranello." she said looking at her phone, wearing just her underwear, actually. Carlos looked at her, in silence, wearing his pants.
"Do what you want, you can stay here" These last words were just mumbled. He said that almost instinctively, even if he wasn't that sure he really wanted her to stay. He was still mad at her but her presence made him feel good. When she took her phone to call a taxi he went to the tv room to watch the after-match interview, acting like he didn't care at all, because she didn't consider his invitation to stay there.  

"It's unbelievable" she suddenly said from the kitchen. He turned his head back, looking at her. They stayed in silence for a bit. 
"What?" asked Carlos looking lost. She shook her head and looked down at her phone, with a bittersweet smile. "What?" asked again Carlos. 
"Nothing" she answered.
"Oh no no! I know what you girls mean when you say nothing. It's never nothing." He stood up in front of her, looking a bit goofy to her eyes but she tried not to smile. They looked at each other for a moment, then she dialled the taxi number. 
"Ah stop this shit, Y/n" he took her phone and hung up the call. 
"Give me my phone back" She was getting mad but she liked his standpoint and his attitude. The entire mood of the room was still fiery and they both liked it very much. The tension between them was still on, like they were about to jump on their bones and have a second round of sex but their pride seemed to win for now.
"Carlos I wanna go back to my hotel, give me that damn phone. You're acting like a baby." she tried to grab her phone but he was holding it with his arm up and she couldn't take it, it was too high for her.
"Try to take it and you can call the taxi" his voice sounded very arrogant to her so she decided to climb up on him, like a little monkey on his body. He grabbed her butt with the other hand and with the other he throw her phone on the couch, then she grabbed her hands behind his neck, touching his hair. They looked at each other in silence.
"Don't play with fire, pequeña" he whispered looking down on her eyes. She looked at him, out of breath. That eyes were too hypnotic for her, so big, brown and full of passion that frightened her but, at the same time, tempted her to kiss him and start again.
He laid her on the couch, next to the phone and for a second she thought to call the taxi but then she looked at him, still shirtless. His muscles were perfect, the neck was so huge and for a second she thought she was looking at a Roman god. He was standing still, looking at her, waiting for her to call the taxi or not. 
"Time's up. You're gonna stay here" he went away to the kitchen and she looked at his perfect back when she noticed the scratches she made while she was on top of her pleasure. She liked seeing it, it was like she marked his body.

"I will sleep here on the couch!" she said out loud to make him hear it. Meanwhile, he returned wearing his t-shirt and throwing her the hoodie that was on the kitchen floor.
"You're gonna sleep on my bed, of course. You're my guest."
"I'm not gonna sleep with you, Carlos" he got closer to her and she took a step back.
"What makes you think I'm gonna sleep with you?"
"N..nothing" She felt caught because in this way he thought she wanted to sleep with him but she thought the opposite.
"Do you think if I really wanted to sleep with you I would use these subterfuges?" 
"No...I mean..."
"I know what you meant, I know you very well" he brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She felt goosebumps.
"We...we better go to sleep, Carlos" She moved away from him, going to the corridor to make him show her his bedroom. She followed him to the bedroom. It was big, the bed was made and everything was in order. She turned back to him who was laying on the frame door.
"If you need anything, call me okay?" she just nodded and smiled at him. "So, goodnight, y/n" he kissed her on her forehead. The way he turned from a wild animal to a cute puppy made her go crazy. 

During the night she turned over and over to bed, she couldn't sleep but she didn't know why, so she got up the bed, looked at the phone, it was almost 3 in the morning and decided to go to the kitchen and drink a bit of water. She tried not to make any noise, she used the flashlight of her phone and made her way through the kitchen. She opened the fridge, took the bottle of water and poured it into a glass. 
"I said you had to call me if you needed anything" She looked up and it was Carlos, shirtless with a pair of shorts looking at her.
"The fu...you scared the shit out of me, Carlos" she said whispering.
"You okay?" asked Carlos looking at his phone and realising how late it was. His eyes were sleepy and his hair was messy but he still looked perfect to her.
"Yes, I was just thirsty" She drank the water in the glass. "Go to sleep, I didn't want to wake you up, tomorrow you have to work"
"So do you..." his sleepy voice was very sexy. He fixed his hair but it was useless, his tuft was too wild to be fixed. He gave up.
"Can I ask you a question?" she said in one breath.
"Yeah, sure" he leaned his arms on the kitchen table
"You act like this with all the girls?" this question caught him off guard. He get off his arms from the table and stood still. 
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you're Spanish, you're hot and you know this. You know how to seduce a girl and clearly I fell for it. So my question is: you do this with every girl you want?"
"I..." he hinted a laugh "I really have no idea of what you mean, Y/n. It's clear there's something between us even if we hate each other"
"I don't hate you" she interrupted him. He looked at her and his eyes were saying "are you kidding me?" but he moved on. "I don't do this to every girl I like. Anyway, I can ask you the same thing"
"Yeah, you. You seduce all the boys you like? It was the same thing with Max?"
"Max? What about Max?" she felt confused. Why put Max in the middle now?
"Yeah, you were together for a period, when you thought I blocked you, right?"
"So? Are you jealous of Max?"
"At all" his voice was too loud than he wanted.
"You are jealous of Max, oh my God" she laughed
"Why are you laughing?" he felt hit on his pride.
"No, sorry. I didn't want to laugh"
"He still wants you" he said pouring the water into another glass and drinking it fast.
"He's not"
"I bet he will ask you to go with him to the charity gala" he smiled and moved to the couch. He really wanted to go back to sleep but also tease y/n.
"I totally forgot about the gala! Anyway he won't because he doesn't want me anymore" she said following him to the couch.
"Yeah, whatever" he lay on the couch ignoring her.
"If he wanted me I would understand it. And clearly he doesn't" She kept on talking to Carlos while he closed his eyes "Carlos you make me piss off so much" She clenched her fists and looked up so mad.
"Yeah, whatever" he turned over on the couch and turned his back.
"Oh god, you're so...annoying. I'm gonna go to sleep." she went straight to the bedroom but she was so mad at him. How dare he to make fun of her? She was sure Max moved on and was trying to apologize to her. She wasn't a stupid and knew Max very well. She got up from the bed wanting to tell Carlos all these things but when she opened the door she saw Carlos there. 

"Oh, I was com..." She couldn't finish the phrase because he picked her up and started kissing her. She grabbed his neck and kissed him. Carlos brought her to the bed and kissed her neck, her breast, her pussy.
"Carlos..." he stopped. Even if he has always been the one who took the lead, he has always made sure she wanted it too, so he looked at her waiting. "fuck me hard." He smiled at her and took her underwear off. He got into her and started pushing harder and harder and she closed her eyes, grabbing the bedsheets. He got off, turned her over and looked at her butt, it was so beautiful and perfect so he bit it than he slapped it very loudly. She turned her head and smiled looking at him. He smiled back and winked, then he turned serious. He entered inside of her and grabbed her hair, keeping on pushing. He got closer to her face "you're so wet, I love it" he whispered. She got goosebumps and was about to cum but he stopped. "what the fuck? Why you stopped?!" She said out loud. They were both sweaty and short of breath.
"I wanna see you while you cum, pequeña." he turned her over again, entered inside of her and pushed until she cum. Then he kissed her softly. "That's what I wanna see. Mi reina screaming on my bed." she looked at him, out of breath and totally sweating but also completely lost on him. She was on her knees on the bed, kissing him also on knees. Their bodies were close and she started touching his chest, going down until she grabbed it. "Now it's your turn, Your Majesty." He pushed her back so she lay on the bed and he opened her legs, getting inside of her. When he was about to cum, he closed his eyes, the veins on his forehead were exposed and suddenly he got out of her, finishing it. 

They stayed next to each other for a bit, looking at the ceiling, knowing they can't resist each other but also they won't tell anyone about this. Separately they decided it was just a physical attraction, that they work better in this way and that maybe a serious relationship wasn't what they needed. The only thing they knew was that they have never had sex like this. 
But deep in their hearts, they both know it wasn't just a matter of physical attraction. They were falling in love with each other but they were too proud to admit it. 

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