Chapter One

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A/N: I am not including Mr. Remmy as he is replaced on the show by Mr. Medina shortly after. I am also adding in Sarah Charleston (the headmaster's granddaughter) who will be played by Millie Bobby Brown. Picture added above. I hope you like the chapter. I'm not staying entirely to the plot as this is from Alice's pov and I might not write much from Rory's/Stars Hollow's side of things. Again, thanks for reading!

6:00 a.m. is the worst possible time to be awake. I would be sleeping in my incredibly soft bed if it weren't for the incessant beeping of the alarm sitting across the room. I groan, moving to turn the alarm off and begin the process of waking up for school. 

I hear a quick knock on the door before Mom pokes her head in, "Morning sweets, just checking to see if you crawled out of bed yet."

I smile in her direction, "I would still be in bed if I hadn't promised Paris I'd meet her to talk about the new student."

"New student, huh? Don't let Paris completely eviscerate them?" she jokes back.

"I can't make promises, I'd only be putting myself in harm's way if I tried." 

"Fair enough, sweetie. Get ready and I'll see you downstairs for breakfast."

I nod before turning to face my closest, hearing the soft click of the door as she leaves. Thankfully getting ready is easy, simply refreshing my curls before slipping into the same Chilton uniform as everyday. I take one last look in the full-length mirror by the vanity before heading downstairs.

"Morning Dad," I say slipping into my usual seat.

"Sleep well, Ali?"

"Like the dead, as per usual." 

He nods as the maid enters with three plates of French toast, my favorite. How odd, adding their happy demeanors and my favorite breakfast food means they have news.

"So what is it that you don't want to tell me?" I ask, breaking the silence.

The quick, panicked look they send each other confirms what I thought: bad news. 

"Well, honey," Dad starts, "no freaking out."

"Good way to start, Dad."

"Alice, you remember your sister Rory?" I nod quickly waiting for him to get to the point. "She's going to Chilton." 

And just like that, my fork falls to the table I feel my world implode. It's rather dramatic to think of my world imploding from that simple sentence. Yet it means she's entering my world. My safety with my family and friends. 

"No." The only word that seems to enter my brain has left my lips. I can't tell if it's shock or disbelief right now but it's there. My objection is out and I can't take it back.

"Alice, I promise if I knew sooner than last night I would have given you a better warning," Dad says, keeping his voice soft. 

Before I'm able to formulate more complex thoughts, the doorbell rings. It's Madeline and Louise, on time like usual. I exchange a quick goodbye with both parents before making a speedy getaway to my friends. 

"What's got you in a hurry?" Louise asks as I speed to the car.

"My sister," I murmur, not sure if either girl could hear me. This answer only spawns questions from the girls I'm not ready to answer. 


After parking, I find Paris waiting out front, quickly pulling her to my locker.

"Alice, what's going on?" She demands, yanking her arm back.

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