The birds and the bees

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"Come again?" Miles says, completely dumbfounded

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"Come again?" Miles says, completely dumbfounded. 

"You guys owe me like eighty euros worth of acid," He points at us angrily. "We owe you? You just fucking drugged us!" Tyler shouts in disbelief.

I'm beyond stressed, running my hands through my hair while I try to process what just happened. "Let's go dance!" Harper happily chirps from beside me, the alcohol hitting her much quicker than the rest of us.

I pull her back down when she tries to get up.

"We're going back to the villa," I announce. "What no it's just starting," Dex says, pointing to the band that's making it's way to the stage.

"What do you two think you're fucking doing," I yell at Dex and Carter who are now standing up and beginning to walk to the stage. "We've just consumed god knows how much acid," I say, completely baffled.

"So? Free drugs," Carter shrugs, continuing to walk away.

Harper tries to get up but I pull her down again, "Harper we need to go home, you've never done drugs before and we don't know how you'll react," I explain. 

"Okay," She agrees solemnly, causing me to release my hold on her arm. As soon as I let her go and start to pack up our things I hear her giggle as she darts off, quickly catching up to Carter and Dex.

"Harper!" I shout, beginning to get up to chase her but Emilio places his hand on my shoulder. "Maybe we should stay," He sighs. "But Harper-" I start to argue but he interrupts me.

"I know but there's nothing we can do now, we might as well try and have a good time," He reasons. I watch Harper from afar, she's energetically dancing with Dex looking like she has no care in the world.

"Fine but the second it gets too much for her we are leaving," I tell him sternly, beginning to walk over to them.

"Heyyy," Harper smiles, slinging her arms around my neck. 

At first I'm tense, just waiting for the acid to hit but after a while I loosen up. It's impossible not to have fun when Harper's grinding her hips on me. 

The music is so loud that it feels like my ear drums are about to burst but I don't care, I just continue to dance with Harper song after song.

The music is so loud that it feels like my ear drums are about to burst but I don't care, I just continue to dance with Harper song after song

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I am having the best time of my life.

The music is so loud, colours are so bright and my dance moves are a ten out of ten if I do say so myself.

I don't know how long we've been here but we got here when it was light and now the moon is out. Different bands and artists have come and gone but I've never once gotten tired, I just continue to dance all over Lucian.

A bright smile is plastered on my face as I turn to look at the boys but Miles doesn't seem to look as happy as me. "I'm coming down!" He shouts, looking very stressed. 

Much to my dismay, Lucian starts pulling me out of the crowd as we follow the rest of the boys. "No I want to dance," I whine, trying to let go of his hand. 

"Harper it's time to go," He orders. I shake my head, getting upset that I have to leave the most fun place I've ever been. "We can dance again later okay?" He promises, trying to comfort me.

I reluctantly follow him as we push through the hoards of people until we eventually end up in a lot less crowded area behind the stage where the toilets and a couple dozen tents are set up.

"Wait for me," Tyler says, jogging towards the toilets. 

I still don't feel completely normal, everything just seems much more amazing than it did before. I look in awe at the millions of stars in the sky while we stand by the tents waiting for Tyler. 

The boys are talking passionately about something I can't quite make out as I stare off at these two weird looking people behind a tent. I start giggling at them because the man is trying to climb on the woman's back.  

"What's so funny?" Emilio questions, looking at me with an amused expression. I point towards the funny people. Ten seconds later Lucian's hand is clamped over my eyes, blocking my view.

"Ew what the fuck," Miles exclaims. 

"Are they seriously fucking right out in the open?" Carter says, the judgement evident in his voice. I try to pry open Lucian's fingers but he keeps them tightly clamped shut. 

"No decorum," Emilio tuts. "Come on," He says once Tyler returns. 

"Don't look Harper," Lucian says, letting go of my eyes so I can see where I'm going. I of course defy him, sneaking a peak at them. 

"What were they doing?" I ask.

"Fucking," Carter replies bluntly, earning a backhand to the head from Lucian. "Can we do that?" I ask Lucian, knowing it looked fun.

They all burst out into laughter, even Carter which is the first time I've ever really seen him laugh. "You're still high as shit, you don't know what you're talking about," Lucian laughs.

"No I'm not," I lie.

"Whatever you say love," He chuckles, patting my head. We make it back to the SUV but a different driver is in it this time.

"Hi!" I greet him but I frown when he completely ignores me. "She said hi," Lucian seethes, glaring at the man.

"Hello ma'am," He says, looking at me from the rear view mirror. While I laugh at the fact that he called me ma'am Lucian buckles me in.

 The SUV takes off steadily down the road, driving along the sea front as I look out the window with my hand intertwined with Lucian's.

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