VII- Bittersweet

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You sighed, before quickly shutting your laptop, you rested your head back on your chair.

"Finally" You breathed out, after submitting the last of your assignments. You turned to the digital clock on your table. 1:24, it read.

You thought about heading to bed, but you knew for a fact you wouldn't be able to fall asleep. You thought about texting Chan, after all the last time you guys had talked was in the morning.

'Maybe i should let him rest' You thought, before opening up your water bottle and taking a big sip. 'I need to get some sleep.'

Just then, you heard a familiar ting of your notifications. Your eyes gleamed, you were sure who it was.
Channie 🐺🖤
are you up?
can i call you?

yes please


You felt your heart skip a beat. In the few weeks of knowing each other, the two of you had never talked on a call before.

Not even a minute later, your phone rang. Immediately you picked it up.

"Y/N" Chan's voice was raspy, and tired.

Electricity shot up your entire body as you heard him say your name.

"Hi" You smiled, "How was your day?"

"Exhausting. Very. Very exhausting."

"Tell me about it"

"Well we had 4 hours of filming, and then i spent a few hours in the studio"

"Oh my god that sounds hectic, how are you holding up?"

"Honestly i just want a good night of sleep, but its so hard.."

"Falling asleep?"

He hummed in response, and you realized exactly how tired he was.


"Yes, gorgeous."

You blushed furiously at the nickname, the butterflies in your stomach went crazy

"How about you lay down"

"That sounds like a good idea."

You heard him shuffle around, and a soft plop sound confirming that he had fallen onto his bed.

"Why cant you fall asleep? "

"I just- i have all these thoughts that stop me from falling asleep, and i dont know how to shut them off."

"What kind of thoughts?"

"Thoughts about.. everything. Im just really tired."

You could almost cry at how weary he sounded, suddenly you were determined to help him fall asleep.

"Why dont you close your eyes and try?"

"Its not going to help."

"Trust meee, close your eyes."

He sighed, "Alright my eyes are closed"

"Right. Now, picture yourself in the place you're happiest at."

"The beach, in Australia."

"Look around, what do you see?"

This was a trick you'd taught yourself as a child when your parents were arguing in the next room.
You would close your eyes and imagine yourself in the place you felt happiest, which was the music room in your school, playing an instrument, all alone, in peace. You would pretend until it helped ease the pain, or fall asleep. Either was fine for you.

He hummed in content, "The sand, the sea, the sky. It all looks so big."

"Is somebody with you?"

"Yeah. Berry and... you."

You fell for him more than ever before, if that was even possible. Just his words alone made you feel safe and loved.

"What are we doing?"

"Uhh we're.." He slurred his words slightly, you had slowly lulled him to sleep.

"We're stargazing, and pretty soon you're going to sleep." You controlled your giggles at his drowsy self

"I am?" He mumbled

"Uhhuh. Goodnight Chan." You smiled

"Goodnight, Y/N."

You didn't make another sound, as you heard his low breaths, finally getting the sleep he so desperately needed.

You got off your chair, and layed down on your own bed, pretty soon, a wave of fatigue had you closing your eyes, and drifting of to sleep.


Your eyes shot open.


You groaned, turning to the lit up screen of your phone beside you.

"Helloo, is anyone there?"

"Hello?" You replied, at the strangely familiar sound on the other side.

You scanned your phone, it was 3 am, and your call with chan was still ongoing. But instead of Chan's soft voice, you heard a loud man on the other side.

"Oh my god, are you Y/N?"

"Uhm yes.. Changbin?" You said, furrowing your eyebrows at the sudden realization that hit you

"Ahh.. Yes.. Hello" He said in his adorable english.

Immediately you sat up, and switched to korean when you spoke. "Ah hello Changbin. Im sorry, i was talking to Chan."

You addressed him in a formal tone, very conscious of the fact that you were talking to one of your favorite rappers.

"You know korean! Wow! How did chan fall asleep?"

"Im sorry?" You said, still drowsy

"He never sleeps so early, even though we nag at him about it. Im glad that he fell asleep now."

"Me too, he was talking about how tired he was so i helped him out." You smiled, satisfied with yourself

"I see, thank you so much for helping our old man. I see why he cares about you so much now. He has you to take care of him" Changbin laughed

You chuckled along, though you felt so bittersweet at how softly Changbin talked about Chan. "Im always here for him."

"I think we should both sleep now, it was nice talking to you, Y/N."

"You too! Goodbye."

He cut the call, and you fell back onto your bed with the widest smile.

'I see why he cares about you so much' Changbin had said.

You had never felt as happy in your life as you were in this moment.

But your blissful ignorance couldn't have prepared you for what was to come.

After all, happiness is fleeting in a life full of shit.

Authors note: early update because im happy :')

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