Chapter 4

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Weayaya Pov
If you had told me this morning I would encounter a strange woman who would forever alter my destiny, I would have scoffed and laughed in your face. Yet, here she was nested in my hand-caught buffalo fur wrapped in a blanket that seemed to have been made just for her.

The day had started off pretty normally. Nothing seemed to be amiss but, a lingering unease gnawed at my core, telling me something wasn't right and I needed to investigate it right away.Venturing through the familiar expanse of forest, a habit that I made sure to do every day as I maintained diligent watch over every inch of our territory to ensure that nothing was amiss.

Especially since my people had been forced to flee our ancestral lands because of the encroaching presence of the white man. Since then, we had been mandated into a state of hyper-vigilance, staying hidden and out of sight, eliminating anyone who stumbled upon our existence, as their discovery could attract unwanted attention.

Despite the hardships, my people have managed to create a peaceful existence in our new land. Its beauty was incomparable, overflowing with every resource we could ask or think of.

Lakes, creeks, waterfalls, and rivers that flowed with plenty, sustaining us with life. The trees, bushes, and fertile soil bore fruit in abundance, with our crops thriving thanks to the work of our skilled hands. While majestic mountains offered vantage points from which to gaze upon our vast territory.

Our faithful horses roamed freely, ready to aid us whenever needed. Plenty of buffalo, elk, and deer also roamed our territory ensuring us with an ample food supply. Mother Earth had blessed us immensely, and life had been undeniably prosperous.

And so, I embarked on a quest for answers. Mounted on Takchawee my trusty steed. I ventured forth, but upon entering the forest, I sensed the need to continue on foot. Dismounting from my horse with spear grasped in my hand tightly I thoroughly surveyed our land.

Leaving no stone unturned, no rivers unexplored, no lakes, creeks, or waterfalls unexamined. It was at the edge of our territory, where the lake met its end, that I made a shocking discovery. A small wooden structure resembling our tipis. My curiosity piqued, I cautiously approached, and within, I beheld a figure, it was a woman.

Immediately I assumed a defensive position, poised and ready to eliminate any potential threat. As she stirred and arose from her shelter, it became clear that she was not of or from our land. Tall and graceful, she was decorated in garments foreign to our customs, there was a large portion of her legs, arms, neck, left exposed.

Her hair, an enchanting sight, transitioned from the color of bronze to that of the sun, styled in a manner unfamiliar to my eyes. Her skin was the color of earth, smooth and soft looking.

She exuded a magnetic beauty that fascinated me, leaving an inexpressible impression. I could sense her assessing gaze upon me, although her eyes did not meet mine directly. The sun's rays illuminated mine and her face, drawing her and my attention, and at that moment, I recalled my father's words-how one glance from my mother had confirmed to him their destined union.

My heart raced, and my senses overwhelmed me, nearly causing a loss of balance. Yet, I quickly reminded myself of my objective to eliminate her, as she posed a possible threat to my tribe.

It was as if my thoughts had already crossed me, for before I could act, she swiftly took off running. She ran with the wild grace of a stallion, untamed and beyond my reach. Instinctively, I pursued her, driven by an inexplicable force, unsure of where this pursuit would lead.

Authors note
This is Weayaya's perspective. Presently, I envision Weayaya belonging to the Sioux tribe. Yet, I'm facing a challenge in incorporating his native language, which holds great significance in his culture. Currently, Weayaya and his tribe will communicate in English until I can properly incorporate his language.

It's important to note that his language plays a key role in understanding his identity, so it will be referenced in different ways throughout the story. I am determined to develop this narrative in the most accurate manner possible. I will conduct extensive research on his culture and customs to portray Weayaya, his family, and his tribe with historical accuracy.

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