Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 2

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Neil walked over and dragged Nick, out of Day's bedroom, by his collar.

"Don't pull me! The collar of my shirt will get wrinkled," Nick yelled at Neil as he walked out of the bedroom. Neil closed the door.

"Why are you trying to annoy your friend? Let him rest," Neil said.

"Who told you that I was messing with him. I'm just trying to take care of him," Nick says before Neil walks over to the couch and turns on the TV to pass time. Nick sits with him and watches TV for a little while.

"Neil. Ai' Neil," Nick called out to the tall figure, not very loudly.

"What?" Neil turned around and asked.

"This is boring," Nick said back. Neil frowned.

"Oh, it's boring. You called me just to say this is boring," Neil said in an annoyed tone. Nick grinned.

"Then let's find something to do to get rid of the boredom," said Nick, causing Neil to immediately turn to look at Nick.

"What the hell are you doing? Get away from me!" Neil exclaimed.

"What? Well, I'm just asking you to play a game. I see that Day likes games and some that we could play too," Nick said with a straight face.

"Eh, or are you thinking deeper than that? Hehe," Nick said with a chuckle.

"Just a little bit. Well, we will play some. I'm bored too," Neil said before getting up to pick up one of his friend's games. He used to play some of these games. Nick turned to look at Neil.

"Let's see. Just playing the game it's not as fun. Let's add some new rules, shall we?" Nick said.

"What's the rule? There's a lot of games," said Neil.

"We will play a game against each other. Each time one of us loses, the lower has to take off one piece of clothing, okay?" Nick said with a smile. Neil's face instantly frozen when he heard him.

"Are you crazy, short bastard!!? If I were playing with a beautiful woman or a cute boy, I would go ahead and play with you now," Neil said. Nick puffed his cheeks.

"Why? Why won't you play with me? Do you think I'm going to play the game and intentionally lose just so that I can take off my clothes for you to see? Sorry. You're wrong. I would rather you take it off for me to see. Hehe," Nick said what was on his mind.

"You're so sassy, short bastard," Neil said, but Nick didn't care.

"Do you dare to play?" Nick said teasingly.

"Or not," Nick said again.

"Why wouldn't I dare? You don't have to complain," Neil said.

"Then let's play. I'm going to go wake up Itt to eat and take his medicine first. It's that time," Nick said as he looked at the clock on the wall. He quickly got up and went into Day's bedroom. After a while, he came out of the room with a pout on his face.

"Neil, help me with something," Nick said.

"What?" Nick asked.

"I need you to force Itt to eat some food. He won't listen to me," Nick said.

"You go talk to him. I'll go prepare him some rice," Nick said before walking to warm up the food he bought.

Neil got up and walked into Day's bedroom. Neil threatened Itt a little by saying he would tell Day about Itt refusing to eat. Then he threatened to take him to the hospital, so he agreed to eat the rice that Nick had brought in. When he finished eating, Nick took the dishes away and walked out of the room.

Love Syndrome (Day/Itt) - Book 1 (Authorized English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now