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                                   Turning Points Academy

"Goodmorning Tiana"


"How was everything been, are you adjusting ok?"

"I'm fine."

"You like any of your classes?"

"They're fine."

Mrs.Davis sat there studying Tiana for a while.

"Tiana I'm only trying to help you and I can't do that if you don't let me."

" then maybe you should stop trying to help me."

"I won't. Because without my signature you won't be able to leave and I know that you want to go to go back to your regular school. But you have to be open."

"I don't even know you why would I tell you my business."

"You're right." Mrs.Davis slid back from her desk and turn around to get a purple spiral notebook and a black ink pen.

"Since you don't feel comfortable talking to me, you should write it down . Keeping how you feel inside doesn't do anything but make it worse. I can tell that everything is not fine but I won't make you talk to me. The journal is not for me to read but for you to jot down anything that you're feeling. I have to step out for a few minutes but you can take that time to write down anything."

Mrs.Davis walked out of her office leaving Tiana to think about the mouthful she just said.

Tiana hated the idea of opening up because it was just open up old wounds that she didn't want to. Everyone always made Tiana's point feel invalid because she's a child and that's why she keeps it to herself. The less people know about how she's feeling the less screaming and arguing there has to be.

Tiana opened up the journal to the first page and wrote nothing on it but the date. She sat there with the pen hovering over the pages. She knew that she wanted to write but she knew that it was a possibility that someone would find this journal and everything would be ruined.

Tiana eventually just gave up and layed her head on the desk and before she knew it Mrs.Davis was opening up the door back into her office.

"Did you write anything down Tiana."

"No." Tiana mumbled with her head still down.

"Ok well our session is over now we'll try again next session but remember Tiana I'm only here to help you."

Tiana grabbed her bookbag and put the journal and pen inside. She then opened up the office door and made her way down the hallway out of the office.

Just as Tiana left the office building the bell rang and the hallways started to get crowded. Tiana walked to the bathroom not wanting to have to wait in a long line.

Despite thinking she got there early there was still a line . Once she finally got the use the bathroom in the middle of her using the bathroom the warning bell rang.

Tiana walked out of the bathroom into the hallway were somebody bumped into her.

"Watch where you going tf." The girl said.

"You bumped into me tf."

"Girl watch how you talking to me."

"Or what?" Tiana said taking her bookbag off.

"Girl you wanna go?"

"Bitch wassup."

As soon as the other girl tried to say another word Tiana grabbed her by her shirt and threw her on the ground.

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