Maddie Has A Secret

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"girls let's go!" Abby calls

"alright so, energy dance in Waterford Michigan again you were second any other teacher probably thinks overall highscore second place was wonderful and now the pyramid"

"on the bottom Paige and Brooke, once again you're still on never came to me and said hey can i enter my solo..Brooke you should wanna do that acrobatic routine it was beautiful"

"next Nia, Nia you did a great job on your solo you made the top ten but pay attention to the technique apply the corrections you don't always do that..and i know the group dance was an issue..your mother was not happy but we didn't have enough costumes."

i look down

i feel bad that Nia was the sacrifice so i could do the routine

"next we have Chloe, Chloe you looked good in the group routine..i thought you looked elegant"

"next we have Camila, great job in the duet you came out your back leg was up in the arabesque you had a good weekend."

"next we have Maddie, Maddie you had an outstanding solo you did a beautiful job on the duet"

"on top of the pyramid this week is Mackenzie."

we all cheer and hug Kenzie

it's her first time at the top!

"she won the overall highscore and was crowned petite miss energy dance let's give her a round of applause."

we all clap for Kenz

Maddie Camila
Chloe Nia Brooke Paige

"i want to talk about this week..we will be attending Starpower in Woodbridge Virginia this is the largest dance competition in the united states im excited for the group dance i've been preparing for week..Mackenzie you have probed you're not a little baby anymore you must be advanced enough to be in the group dance..i'm not watering down the choreography you'll be expected to do what everybody else is doing" Abby says

"Maddie you are going to be doing a routine called Looking For A Place Like's a little spin on there's no place like home a modern day version..Chloe you'll also be doing a solo your solo is entitled What Goes Around Comes Around"

Brooke then raises her hand

"yes Brooke?" Abby asks

"this weekend is my first formal school dance and i was wondering if i would be able to go to it?" Brooke asks

"i think if i was in your position i would probably make a different decision however if you decided this is something you want to do far be it from me to keep you from it" Abby says

"you will not be in the group number this week you won't be joining us on the trip"

"thank you." Brooke says

"moms you're dismissed thank you very much..see ya" Abby says

Brooke leaves with the moms and we warm up

|Group Rehearsals|

we learn the group routine and Chloe said it's like a hunger games themed she's excited

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