~24: Where She Gets Him a Little Wet~

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Where She Gets Him a Little Wet



I was seated on a small corner table in the Hasting's spacious garage.

I watched as Archer slid out from under my Convertible. He wiped his hands on his tank top as he stood up.

"Okay, let's do this." He murmured with a determined nod as he got into the driver's seat. I held my breath as I watched him insert the key and turn the ignition. Nothing happened after his first two attempts but after the third the engine finally sputtered to life.

I squealed in excitement and Archer rested his forearm against the steering wheel and chuckled.

He let it run for a couple of minutes before turning it off.

He got out of the car. "We can take her for a test drive but we'll have to clean her up first." He instructed. "There's a hose in the cupboard on your left. You can attach it to the tap in the corner and just press the lever near the nozzle to let the water out. The garage has a functioning drainage system." He explained.

I nodded and proceeded to follow his instructions. After attaching the hose I picked it up and aimed it towards the car. I pressed the lever like Archer had told me, but I misjudged the pressure at which the water would be coming out of its nozzle. I lost my grip and fumbled with the hose and when I finally managed to grab it I wasn't holding it in the direction of the car anymore.

Instead, the hose that was jetting out the water was aimed directly at Archer.

I quickly pulled the lever to turn it off but it was too late.

I took in Archer's drenched form.

His hair was dripping and his clothes were a sopping mess.

His mouth was drawn into a frown and he looked so distraught that I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. I slapped my hand over my mouth but not before he heard me. He gave me a scowl which only made me laugh harder.

"You find this amusing?" His voice was low.

"I'm s-sorry it was an accident." I wheezed.

His scowl suddenly disappeared. His lips twisted into a lazy smirk that made my stomach dip.

"Come here." He crooked a finger towards me.

Oh no.

I swallowed. "I'm pretty comfortable over here. Thanks."

His eyes grew dark as he took a step towards me. "Come here, Fallon." He took another step in my direction and I took an involuntary step back.

He came towards me but I quickly dodged and darted to the other side of the car. His eyes darkened and for a while, we just circled each other, the car acting as a barrier between us.

"You know." He said, his voice husky. "I think you did it on purpose. I think you just wanted to see me without a shirt." His smirk widened.

"What are you-" I started but the words seemed to die in my throat because, in one swift move, Archer had taken off his tank top and thrown it to the floor.

My mouth went completely dry.

Before I had time to react, he lunged.

"Got you." He murmured as his arms closed around my waist, making me gasp.

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