chapter 12

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It's November 1st, I'm walking to my first class, English. Mia won't be joining me today because she called in sick.

These past 2 weeks my life has slowly been going up. The trauma and fear about my father is disappearing, thanks to my 2 best friends. I have been pushing away all my feelings for Ann and keeping it professional although it really hurts. Me, Mia and Dan are spending a lot of time together and we've helped each other with some real shit, we have become really good friends. I just hope everything is only going to get better.

I walked through the doors. "Good morning Miss Thompson." I simply said, throwing a fast glimpse at her.

"Good morning." She said back.

I sat in my normal seat in the back, next to a window.

After class ended Ann said loudly. "Miss Williams, see me after classes."

I looked up at her, little bit confused trying to read her face, but she gave me nothing.


Rest of my classes passed by pretty fast and I was happy about it because it was Friday and after school I can go home and sleep.

But before I go, I needed to go see Ann.

I quietly knocked on her door and opened it. "Miss Thompson, you wanted to see me." I walked in and stood there.

"Hey, Emily. Come sit." She motioned with her hand.

I slowly walked up to a desk near her and sat down.

She stood up from her seat, came around her desk and sat on it to face me.

I waited for her to start talking but she just continued to look at me,trying to search for something in my eyes, without saying a word.

After some time she finally started "Emily... I know you are curious on what I wanted to speak to you about."

I studied her every move carefully listening to her.

"I just wanted you to know, I still care about so so much and I don't want you to ever think other wise. But due to our circumstances I can't show you that. You are a wonderful human being and every person is lucky to have you in your life and sadly I can't have you more than my student. I want you to understand, im still here for you whenever times get tough and you need someone to talk to. I'll be here, in this classroom ready to listen and help you any way, I, as your teacher can. I'm so sorry for the pain I caused but this hurts me as much as it hurts you."

I looked down at my hands after she was done talking.

"Em, look at me." She said weakly.

I looked up at her eyes and I could see she was telling the truth and being honest, I could also see how hard this was for her.

"I care and I'm here." She repeats.

"Thank you." I whispered looking at her, feeling the tears forming in my eyes.

It was hard hearing it from her, that we can never be anything more than student teacher although I understand it. But it was a little comforting to know she still cares and is here for me.

I finally looked away and wiped my tears, I stood up and took my bag.

I started walking to the door but stopped before going outside.

I turned my head to look at her one more time. "I appreciate this a lot." I said and walked away.


For the past two days I was replaying her words in my head, trying to understand what and how am I feeling. I am so confused about myself and I don't like that.

Miss Thompson. (TeacherxStudent) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat