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Ariana was tired of feeling lonely but having arms wrapped around her every night. Only time she was seen is when they had guest or she went to school. She was love as a child and a teen but met a man who promised her more love than that combined. The only thing he did was manipulate her and abuse her.

Mental health was real but she didn't know what was going on and why she felt down. She never was sad growing up and she could assure that he loved her , so why was she crying ever Chance she got ? Why she ran in a corner when he got home, why nobody notice that she was fighting her battle alone?

She got up before her alarm would go off so he didn't get upset. He would run the streets all night then be upset she had school by the time he was getting in. He didn't force her, she was thankful for that. When he was angry he did hit on her but forcing her to have sex or raping her? No he never went that far.

" I have to get up rylo " he put his face in her neck pecking it , letting her get up afterwards. She didn't understand how her heart could love someone that her mind so badly telling her to get away from.


"No sunglasses today ?" Tae  said but he cared for his friend , he didn't understand why she put up with a women beater. She was so lost that she was no longer a attached anymore, she was living but wasn't alive.

" yeah, he's been coming home late and when its time for me to leave for school he either sleep or gone" her mother taught her the rules to life, protected her so much that problems still knocked on the door in her life and she let them in.

" your protecting him but I told you my brother taurus  will beat his ass once he get out of jail Friday" she just shook her head no, afraid of what would happen if that even happened. She felt like rylo was powerful but he was really a loser in the other eyes.

She couldn't believe life got this deep for her. Smiling hurts , crying felt more normal than a dry face. Mental health  is so real but she rather sweep hers under the rug. Screaming for help but not vocal, only through her actions that not many cared to point out. Her teachers don't even ask why she have sun glasses on when she do.

" you coming to his welcome home party right ?"

" if he let me out , I will"

" bitch they friends , I will see you there" tae said walking  away with ariana not far behind. She didn't know who taurus  was , she just knew he wasn't to be played with even rylo seem afraid of him. He the one who put tae  in the streets to provide for their family while he was away. She was too young to know about him anyways .


" daddyyy " she could hear moaning coming from upstairs. She knew he would cheat on her because she always smelt the perfume but to hear it didn't break her heart like she thought it would. She wasn't going argue , she was eighteen and he was twenty one , she didn't have nothing to say to him. The relationship was suppose to been end but her family made her choose between them and she picked her poison.

She casually walked up stairs into the room, both noticing her making them stop in their movements but she didn't even care to look at them. She went to the closet packing some clothes until rylo ran in there grabbing her arm. " where you going Ari ?"

" giving you some space"

" I don't want any, she just a hoe, i want you" she knew what comes with going against him. She would be on the floor crying with a bruise forming on her face. " okay , well I will start on dinner" he smirked kissing her forehead attending back to the broad .

Ari walked down stairs with a plan , she was tired of feeling like a zombie and wanted her old life back. The life before she let him get into her head. " hello ?"

" hey can you come get me?"

" yeah, why you whispering?"

" just come get me please , I will be by the neighborhood sign" after the call they hung up as she heard moving going on , indicating they were wrapping up whatever they were doing. She was thankful she never turnt on the house alarm , running out the door and making her escape. For a year she dealt with Someone who turnt her against her family, made her see the evil in the world and introduced her to depression. Something she was taught about but never thought it would be her.

"Thank you"

"Don't mention it, what's going on?" She side eye him, she knew, he knew but wanted her to say it so she  could see how stupid her situation is.

" came home to him having sexual inter course"

" don't be sad, you knew he played house in multiple homes" she nodded her head agreeing with him. She couldn't be upset when he stop treating her like a princess into a peasant.

" you hungry ?" She haven't been asked that question in so long , she forgot people cared if she ate. " yes"
He pulled off going to chick-fli-a and ordering for them. He felt bad for the pretty girl in his passenger seat. But he couldn't help no one who could tell they need help.

Everyone needs someone or wants someone to help or at least listen to them. It's okay to speak up when you don't agree but never make the person feel like your judging.


" this my brother crib but I been crashing here since he in jail. You can sleep here because this bitch big enough for all of us" she chuckled as he gave her a tee shirt to sleep in . She felt relief not having to think about if her lover would come home angry and beat on her. Feeling disgusted sleeping or not even having enough sleep because she too uncomfortable with him touching her.

" thank you , a lot honestly" he gave a head nod before closing the door.

She looked around the room noticing it was clearly own by his brother , she wonder why he put her in his master bedroom maybe because it wasn't that much furniture.

Soon as she showered up , she quickly snuggled under the covers loving the scent that the bed had, the coolness from it being un touch. She felt like she was in heaven, rubbing her feet together until she fell asleep.

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