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1. When a giant monster chases you, all you can do is throw a stick and hope they'd play fetch.

2. One night you woke from the dead. For you, you were gone mere seconds, for the world you were gone almost a century. How will you navigate this new world?

3. A group of high school students discovers they have the ability to enter and manipulate their own dreams, but as they use their powers for personal gain, they soon realize that their actions in the dream world have real-life consequences and must learn to control their powers before it's too late.

4. You are an archeologist working on a dig when you find a thick pane of glass. You dust the dirt away and see the inside of a massive bio-dome, hidden for too long. Only one organism is inside, and it was meant to be forgotten.

5. Flip the coin and make a life choice with it. Two choices, one coin, and no turning back. Do you dare?

6. Can we go back to the start when we were all strangers in the dark?

7. You go to sort out your grandma's house after she passed away. While clearing out the attic, you discover she may not have been the person she always let you believe she was and that she has played an important role in a historical event. Discover her story.

8. You just moved to a new neighborhood and you hear the music of an ice cream truck coming down the street. As you and your family walk outside you notice all your neighbors rushing inside and locking their doors and windows.

9. There's an urban legend that's been circulating for years about a taxi cab that doesn't take you where you want to go, but where you need to go. One night, you stepped into this cab.

10. You are working on a case and you suddenly come across a walkie-talkie that connects you to a detective from twenty years ago

11. A new business opens in a small town. The townspeople are intrigued by what is being offered by the business owners, and soon the town and its people begin to behave in unusual ways.

12. An evil sorcerer offers you an immense amount of power—but it comes with a price.

13. You were at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and now you are running for your life!

14. A 21st-century health professional finds themself in the mid-1300s, right in the middle of the black plague.

15. Three women. Three secrets. Three tangled lives.

16. The world did not end in a bang, or a whisper, but rather, one scream at a time.

17. When your teacher calls you to their office, you realize they're not quite human. Class is about to get interesting.

18. You step through a magic portal thinking it's the way back home, but what you find isn't what you expected.

19. You come back from holiday and find your best friend missing. You search desperately, but no one has any recollection of your friend ever existing. Eventually, you're shipped off to an asylum, where you find your best friend, who claims the same thing happened to them but it was you that no one remembered.

20. You finally build enough courage to talk to that cute someone you see every day on the bus. Their face turns dark as they respond "You shouldn't be able to see me."

21. One dark and stormy night a family went missing, they left everything behind. All their belongings including phones, laptops, and cars. Nobody, not even the police could figure out what happened so the case goes unsolved for almost 10 years, that is until you receive an unknown call. You must figure out who did it, if the family is still alive, and how you will expose what happened.

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