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<3 <3 <3

Before school, in between classes, during breaks, I can almost always be found on the rugby field. Me alongside most of the team. So, before school on Friday, that's where I am.

I'm tossing a rugby ball around with my friends, like I usually do. But I'm distracted.

Because it's freezing this morning. And my thoughts are on one red-cheeked, frozen-fingered girl with the prettiest smile.

She doesn't come. Not all morning while we wind down time before the bell rings.

That is, until four minutes before the bell, I chance a glance at the path leading down to the field. I drop the ball in my hand, heart pounding. She's here.

And if tomorrow, it's cold again... Where might I find you?

She wants me to warm her up. She wants me to touch her again.

Before I can think twice, I'm running down the field towards her. I stop at my bag that I discarded when I got here, slinging it onto my shoulder and grabbing my jacket in my hand. As I approach her, I take her in. Plaid skirt, thick stockings, sweater pulled low over her hands. She's wearing my beanie again.

I stop a couple feet before her. "Aurora."

"Hi, George." Her smile is shy.

"Are you cold?" I ask immediately.

"Uh, well, yes but—" She stops talking when I stalk closer, draping my jacket over her shoulders. It's far too big for her but I swaddle her in it anyway. Then I take her hands in mine, lifting them both to slide under the collar of my shirt, stopping when they rest over my heart. I crouch down a little to be closer to her. Her eyes are wide and she lets out a long breath. "Oh."


"Yes," Her cheeks are the prettiest shade of pink. "I came to talk to you, actually. But this— this is good. Thank you."

My hold on her hand loosens. "You don't want—"

"No, no!" She steps a little closer to me, "Um, stay, please."

I relax, squeezing her hand gently against my chest. "Okay. What did you want to talk about?"

"Uh, I was hoping to ask a favour of you. Would you maybe walk me to class this morning? It's just—"


She laughs. "I didn't even finish my explanation, George."

"Go on, then. But my answer is yes."

"Okay, well, the thing is, my ex approached me after school yesterday, tried to talk to me and—"

"You didn't call me." Anger floods my veins at the thought of this douchebag, whoever he is, going up to her again.

"Could you please stop interrupting me?" She scolds, but her tone is gentle.

Still, I duck my head, "Sorry."

"As I was saying... He tried to talk to me, but my friends swooped in before he could. So it was all good. No need to call you. But, he's in my class first period. So I was kind of hoping you could walk me there and..."

"Scare him off for you?" I finish her sentence, smiling.

She nods, "Pretty much, yeah. You don't even have to do anything, just walk me to the door like you usually do. Just so that he sees you. You look pretty intimidating, so it'll work great."

Frowning, I hold her hand against my chest more firmly, "Do you find me intimidating?"

She shakes her head, smiling. "I don't. You look intimidating, because of your size. But that doesn't mean I think you are."

"Okay," I nod, happy with her answer, "You sure I can't go in and talk to him? Glare at him a bit?"

"No!" She giggles, "George, just walk me to class, okay?"

"Alright, Aurora."

The bell rings, and I reluctantly let her go. She tucks her hands up close to her chest, like she did yesterday. Then she gives me a sheepish smile. "I kind of stole your hat yesterday, sorry about that. I'll give it back to you today, I promise."

I shrug, unbothered. "I know. Keep it. My jacket too."

She adamantly shakes her head but with a gentle hand on her back, I coax her to start walking back up the hill. "They're yours. It's cold today, you need them."

"It is cold today. Exactly why you should keep them."



She huffs, "I'm giving your jacket back once I get to class, but I'll keep wearing the beanie. Okay?"


It doesn't take long for us to reach the English block and walk up the steps to her classroom. She stops right in front of the door instead of to the side like she normally would. Then she glances inside the room. When she turns to me, she reaches out, gently tugging on the front of my sweater to bring me closer to her. She whispers, "He's in there."

I turn my head to look, try and figure out which one is her ex. But her hand stops me, fingers gripping my chin, turning my face back towards her.

Her eyes narrow slightly, "Don't, George."

I stare at her for a moment then step just a little bit closer, lifting my hand to cup the back of her neck. Her lips part but she doesn't push me away as I lower my head just a little to be closer to her. "He won't bother you again, Aurora." I bring my other hand up, brushing some of her hair away from her face.

"Thank you," She whispers.

I smile, grudgingly stepping away from her and dropping my hands, sliding them into my pockets to stop myself from being tempted to reach for her again. "Go to class, Aurora."

She nods, gives me a wave then turns, walking away from me again. 

~ Pink Flamingo <3

~ Pink Flamingo <3

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