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"Thank you! Visit again!" You exclaimed giving the customer a big smile. You turn to the customer in front of you and scan the things he bought.

A week ago you saw a poster saying that a baker and a staff is needed. The pay was more than you expected. It was in your field and you had always wanted to open a bakery your whole life so you didn't waste anymore time and applied for the job. You got selected as a baker and to stand at the register from time to time and since no company is hiring you this field of work is also not that bad.

The bakery, which is also a cafe, iss famous around the area and it's always busy. Your shift is from 9 in the morning till 10 at night. You have work the whole week except Sunday so it was tiring. You were enjoying your job shoving the talk you had with Mikey a month ago to the back of your mind.

You haven't given your answer yet. You were not ready to face him again. He frightens you and involving him in your life seems like a bad idea to you but you want to trust your father's choice, which maybe you have misinterpreted. Emma has been considerate saying you can take the time all you want. Shinichiro and Izana were also not against giving you some time.

You know you can't avoid the matter anymore as a month has passed by. You wanted to solve all this within this week but whenever you are about to call the cold monster your hand shakes and you drop the idea.

"Y/n-san it's time for your break." You look at your co-worker and nodded your head.

Her name is Emily and she's got attitude. But she's very kind. She's a high schooler and got recruited at the same time with you.

You went to the room that's for the staff and sat down on the available seat. You sigh tired both physically and mentally as you loosen your muscles. You turn on the phone to see a missed call from your father. You call him back and waited for him to pick up which you didn't have to wait long.

It was for the same reason he would call everyday. Wanting to know how you were holding up at your job and if you had lunch or not. After chatting for awhile you hung up the call. You scroll through your contacts and went straight to Mikey's contact. You hesitated and your fingers started shaking. You took a deep breath to calm down.

If I delay too much I think there will be a problem.

You closed you eyes shut and pressed the call button. You bring the phone near your ear as it rings. He was not picking up and by the 6th ring you sighed and cuss under your breath. You pull the phone away to end the call but stop when you heard a cold and distant voice.


You looked at your phone plainly.

Yes? Seriously? Can't he say something else.

"I don't have free times to play with you." You got startle by his sudden annoyed tone.

"Sorry. I called you to give you my answer." You whispered lowly as if you were discussing a murder plan.

"So you finally came to a conclusion. Meet me now at my office. My man will pick you up." Mikey hang up the call soon afterwards he said that not giving you a chance to speak.

Does he know where I am? And I can give my answer through the call too.....

You look at the time on your phone to see that there was still an hour till the cafe closes. You stood up when a bell rang indicating your break was over. After your break your job was to prepare doughs and shortcakes for the next day. You went to the kitchen and pass by your colleagues and went to the section where cakes are made.

You took out the ingredients necessary for the cake. You mix the flour with eggs, sugar, salt and other ingredients. You know almost every pastries or cakes recipes, you always love baking afterall. Just as you put the big baking pan inside the oven Emily called you saying someone is here for you. After washing your hands, removing the apron from your body and drying your hands in the towel, you go to the front desk.

A man with pink long hair, scars on both both side of his lips, dull blue orbs. He had a pink suit on and you wondered if his favourite colour was pink.

"How may I help you, sir?" You asked kindly reaching him. His gaze was cold and your were frighten of him seeing his scars. But you followed your motto Never judge someone too quick.

The man look at you up and down as if scanning you. You shifted slightly as your smile turn awkward.

"Are you Y/n Sakurai?" His voice was deep and something about it gave you goosebumps. You nodded your head at him having your doubts. "Mikey send me to pick you up." The man said as a look of realisation pass your face.

"But my shift is not over. Can you maybe wait for a few minutes...?" You said while fidgeting with your finger. His gaze harden as he walk a little closer to you. You unconsciously took a step back averting your eyes from him. The pink man internally sighed at the girl infront of him

What a pain.

"I have already talked with your manager. You can come with me without any problems." The man said his tone annoyed. You process his words and look at him with widen eyes.

"Take your things and come with me." You could tell that his patience was running thin (you don't know why) so you just agreed with him and went to take your purse and change your clothes. You told the other chefs to take care of the cake and went with the pink mullet.

You sat in the car as the man started it. The ride to the company was awkward and you were having second thoughts.

What if he's lying to me and is actually kidnapping me? No no no I'm just overthinking.....right? Afterall Manjirou send him so there's nothing to be worried about....I'm having second thoughts...

When you two reached the company the atmosphere was dark, it was like those witch castles straight out a comic and you just wanted to run away. The pink mullet walk inside while you're following behind him. There were not that many people in the reception area and you were glad for it, the people present were staring at you as if you were a ghost. You walk with him in the elevator and he press the top floor button. The elevator made a 'ding' sound and you tried your best not to jump from the sudden sound.

You two walked out and you notice how empty the hallway of the top floor was. The atmosphere itself was unsettling and you were sure you saw an angel reaching her hand out to you, an easy escape. Walking in silence with the man and stopping in front of a black door.

'CEO' was written in black bold letters and on a gold plate that was plastered on the door. The man with you knock three times on the door and a few seconds later a voice full of authority said to come in.

The man open the door and walk in, you went in with him hiding yourself behind his tall stature.

"Boss I brought her." The pink mullet said and his aura was kind of off.

"You can go now, Sanzu." You just notice that you didn't even know the name of the pink man who brought you here. Sanzu said yes and went out the door.

You stood awkwardly at your place and saw Mikey standing up from his chair and walking towards you. You shifted in your place and started inspecting the big office room.

The theme was black and white. One side of wall was made of glass allowing you to see the whole city and the night sky. There was files sitting on the table. The office was not that decorative, it was simple, just your taste.

"Sit down Y/n. We have soooo much to talk about." Mikey said sitting down on the couch. "Would you want something?"

Yeah I want to go home.

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