A Friend in the Funk

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Usually studying centers me. I know, nerd alert. I can ignore everything else, put on some music, and zone in on what I have to do. But I feel like shit. I couldn't get anything done in my room or on the roof. So my legs carried me here. But even sitting in our coffee shop–damn. Maybe that is the problem. Is this our place anymore?

I stare out the rainy window. My vision blurs as I get stuck in an earthquake of anger and sadness. I'd normally run to Abe when I feel this way, but he is the epicenter of the seismic activity this time. Every time I reach for the hammer to slide it into my mouth or think about the guilt on his face for tracking me all this time, I get re-mad. But even before the magma inside of me can rise to the surface, I start to feel bad. Lying to me or not, he was trying to watch out for my safety. It is hard not to wonder if all of this would feel the same if I didn't meet Tiptoe and her crew or have access to my dad's secret journal.

But what if Abe's team is right? What if we did need a break from each other? It sounds so ominous. I do know I need something to take my mind off this mess. I need something that isn't connected to Abe. I need a new place. I need some new company.

Movement on the other side of the window catches my attention. I unblur my vision and the sight makes me snort. Across the glass is an adorably confused Clay. I wipe the tear that I just noticed was rolling from my cheek and duck my head, still laughing.

Clay taps on the window, and I give him my attention. He points to me and then gives a thumbs up to ask if I am okay. I emoji shrug. Fitting. He shrugs back and walks away.

Maybe it's my paranoia, but I find it hard to believe he just happened to stumble across me. Is he tracking me too? Wait, why the hell would Clay be tracking me?

I start laughing.

"Wow, you are in a bad place right now, aren't you Brass?"

I look up to find Clay standing beside my small, messy table. His eyes find my cinnamon bun wrapper, empty frappe cup, and remains of a yogurt parfait.

What? I eat my feelings.

"Can I join you?" he asks. "Or will you eat me also?"

We both laugh, as he sits down across from me. His knee brushes mine, which stands every hair on my body on end. Not sure he noticed.

His hand pats my leg and he adds, "Sorry bout that."

He did notice and now I have miniature Clays dressed as Cupid dancing a circle around my head. I shake them away and I look outside. I know if our eyes meet at this moment, I will do something rash.

"Wanna talk about it?" Clay asks.

"About what? The fact that I just ate my face off at a coffee shop alone? The fact that I am here studying on a Saturday when I should be out having fun? Or—"

"Abe." It isn't a judgment. Clay is just making a truthful and accurate observation. I can't be mad at him for speaking facts. Even if I am weirded out by his correctness.

"Abe." I echo.

A long pause passes, but I finally get my thoughts together.

"No. I do not want to talk about it. We are...taking some time apart right now. He has some stuff he needs to put his energy toward, and I have some things I need to focus on."

"Okay," Clay says with finality. Not to brush me off, but to hold me to my word of not talking about it.

"Sidenote. Out of all the places in the city, how did you happen to see me staring like a moron out the window of this coffee shop? You aren't tracking me or something are you?"

"What?" he asks with a chuckle.

"Nothing. I'm being a weirdo." But really, am I at this point?

"To be honest, I always keep an eye out for you when I pass Cuppy's. Since you invited me the last time we hung out, I assumed you frequented this place. It is on my way from school to my uncle's restaurant. I worked the lunch shift for him today."

His story relieves me for the most part. There was just one detail that doesn't fit.

I can't hold back. "Cool, but today is Saturday. Why would you be taking your school route?"

He half smiles. "I was headed there to work on my sculpture. With a lot of persuading, Miss Gibson lets me come in on weekends. She got it okayed by the principal and my student ID card was given access to the exterior rear door to the art room. I don't get in there as often as I'd like, but the extra time is helping me stay on track with my piece."

This seems fishy, considering he was expelled from his last school, but I ignore the feeling and give him the benefit of the doubt. He is a stellar artist. Plus, so many images develop in my head from him saying "my piece."

"The Minotaur," I say in a raspy, monster voice.

"Indeed." He makes my insides Jelloy as Clay presents another sexy partial grin.

"Wait, I have an idea."

Full. Devilish. Smile.

Send the EMT, my heart is exploding.

"Let's get outta here."

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