Chapter 15

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I go to magical creatures seeing Hadgrid there, who isn't very happy "are you alright Hadgrid, you don't seem very happy?"

Hadgrid- "yeah just sad about the whole Dumbledore not being headmaster anymore situation as I am scared this new one might have the idea of getting rid of me or giving me a worser job"

Harry- "the new headmaster doesn't seen like the type of person to do that, plus wasn't Dumbledore a criminal?"

Hadgrid- "Dumbledore was just always so nice to me, its hard to believe all of this is happening sometimes"

Harry- "Hadgrid he was only friends with you because you were half giant you were only on his side to show he wanted to be one with creatures but he has turned loads away, remember Remus Lupin, he only was using him too. He hates creatures why do you think all the creatures are on the dark lord side, because he wants to make them equal to all of us, as for Dumbledore he didn't care about that he just cared about himself and his reputation. I am sorry I am telling you this Hadgrid I don't mean to hurt your feelings or anything but he was using you, he was never going to make creatures as equals, neither was he with the whole pureblood hating muggleborns situation which I have been around purebloods, they already are welcoming muggleborns and halfbloods into their world, yeah they are weird out about it but they are changing. When it comes to Dumbledore in this war, he isn't a powerful wizard as everyone believes, he got others to help him defeat grindelwald who by the way was his lover who he made sure turned back and they were secretly still together and everything. Dumbledore just want to rule the world, and want to get rid of muggles, but he can't rule if he is seen killing muggles now can he, no so he needs you and Remus and other to be on his side so then he can make the world how he wants it to be, full of witches and wizards, no muggles, he sees it as the old ways, not the new ways. How gay people and that are becoming more accepting, well he doesn't want that happening either especially he won't want his warrior with a male lover will he?"

Hadgrid- "I guess not"

Harry- "he certainly would break me and my partner up"

Hadgrid- he realises what Harry just said "you have a male lover Harry"

Harry- I nod "I do and were with child"

Hadgrid- "you or?"

Harry- "yes with me, it happen over the four week holiday, I just found out yesterday, I haven't told him yet, so please keep it as a secret"

Hadgrid- he smiles "I promise, I will Harry"

Harry- "thank you Hadgrid especially for the understanding, and if you need anything please come to me if you need help"



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