36|Done Being His Secret

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Eve's POV

2 days later

"Evie, are you sure you're, okay?" Belly asked and I faked a smiled.

"Yeah, I'm just processing that my dad is gone again."

She frowned before hugging me. "I was going to follow you but Chase said he wanted to."

I looked up to Chase who had his head turned away from me. He hadn't look me in the face since that day.

Luckily, he didn't tell the others about my secret, but I knew he wanted to.

I hate that I have to keep secrets from them too but if I did, it would tear the group apart.

"I'm sorry for running off like that."

"It's okay, you had your reasons," Aaron smiled and him and Belly hugged me.

"Let's go guys, I want to get home early," Chase complained.

We said our goodbyes and they left for Chase's car.

I walked to the parking lot where my car was.

"Eve stop," his noticeable voice ordered.

I've been trying so hard not to see him. I head to classes early and leave school as soon as the bell rings. I even ignored all his text and calls too.

This had to happen one time or another.

I turned around to him.

"What's wrong with your phone? I've been trying to call and text you all night. Why don't you come over for lunch?"

I scoffed before turning around. I can't do this.

He ran up to me. "Wait! What's your problem?"

I paused when I reached my car door. "I am so sick of this!"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Eve, what are you talking about?"

"You don't even know what you did wrong!?" I shouted.

He looked around. "Why don't we talk about this in your car."

"Sure!" I smiled to mask my anger.

We both got in my car.

"Talk to me Eve, please," he begged.

"I can't do this anymore, Haze."

"What are you talking about Eve?"

"I can't keep ignoring everything and acting like everything is okay!"


"I can't handle having to always be your second choice. Did you really think everything would be okay after you said yes to Ashley?"

"Eve, it's not like I was saying yes to marriage or anything. It's just prom."

I laughed. "I should've known better. Of course, you don't see anything wrong."

"Eve, I'm sorry that I hurt you but don't end it."

"Why not? Isn't it better than me getting constantly hurt by you?"

He shook his head. "Don't do that, Eve. Don't do that to me."

"Is it Haze!?" I shouted.

"I promise you're getting the wrong idea Eve. Ashley and I aren't to-"

"Together? Yeah, I know. You keep telling me that."

"Ashley and Jason were all I had in middle school. They were my best friends who did anything for me without thinking. I promised her I'd make her prom queen and make her look like she has her shit together. That's why we pretend to be a couple. I didn't tell you because it wasn't my secret to tell."

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