The morning after

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The morning after, Mikosa woke up in her bed. She was a bit confused at how she ended up in her bed, but nevertheless she stretches a little and gets out of bed. 

As she walks out of her room she can smell something sweet and delicious in the air, the smell was coming from the kitchen. 

"Huh? Harusa is that you? What are you making?" Mikosa asks as she rubs her eyes a little 

"Hm? Oh! You're awake, i'm making some pancakes. Want some?" Harusa asks with a cute smile on her face, making  mikosa blush a little.

"Uh no, thanks for the offer tho. I have work to do you should probably get ready too."  Mikosa says, then grabs her scythe and walks out the door.





Harusa is left standing in the kitchen, a little disappointed that mikosa left so quickly. But quickly brushed it off as she knew how busy Mikosa currently is. On top of having to kill vampires at night, she also needs to train future vampire slayer and do paperwork for the vampire slayer corporation (VSC).

Suddenly Harusa gets an idea. 

"Hey..what if i kill some vampires without mikosa's help? Maybe that will lessen her stress a little.." Harusa thinks, as she eats some of the pancakes. 

"Yea..that's probably a good idea! I can make her proud of me, and maybe make my dad proud too. Besides how hard can it be? I've seen mikosa training, hell. I've even seen her kill a vampire it shouldn't be that hard.." harusa finishes the pancakes, turns off the stove and leaves to go to the VSC.





                                                   Chapter 5 of part two has ended 

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