Chapter Ten

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February 14th, 1909

I was asleep in my bed, being comfortable and well rested. It was so warm in this bed, the silk sheets made it even better. It wasn't too hot or cold, it was perfect.

Until I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Oh, Natalia, you are never going to believe it!" Thomas said as he opened my door, making me shoot up in bed and hold the comforter up to my chest. There was clothing around me, obviously, i just didn't know who it was.

Thomas giddily crawled over my legs and laid down beside me, setting the paper down in my lap. "You and I are on the front cover of almost every newspaper around the world." He told me. My mouth dropped open, looking at him for a few seconds. "Go on," He flapped the paper. "Look at it."

The front cover was a picture of Thomas and I looking at each other with smiles, with the headline Vallelonga and Shelby Recognized!

Ms. Natalia Vallelonga, Dancing star since 1905, recently performed at Birmingham's Performing Arts Theater on January 26, 6:00 p.m. Ms. Vallelonga took part in three events that evening, giving a speech at the beginning of her third and final event.

"There's one person who holds a special place in my heart. He sat by me on my first day of school, he went to my first performance here in Birmingham. This person has complimented me, lectured me, and supported me for ten years. His family is like a second to mine... I'd like to recognize the man in the front row, Mr. Thomas Shelby, for always being the most loving person in my life, no matter what the circumstances were. He has been there for me time and time again, supporting me through good and bad." Vallelonga said.

Mr. Thomas Shelby has been photographed with Ms. Vallelonga since 1905 when they were 15 years of age. He is seen in various pictures in the past years of Vallelonga's career. Nobody noticed the man until now.

It is rumored that Mr. Shelby and Ms. Vallelonga has romantic relations outside of her career. Vallelonga assures that her and Mr. Shelby has been nothing more than friends since 1899 when they first became friends. We have yet to learn more about the Shelby and Vallelonga relationship.

I laughed at the article. Not only was it poorly written, it just kept repeating itself over and over and over again. I don't know why these dumbasses would think i'd get involved with Thomas. We've made it clear to each other that a romantic relationship would be horrendous.

"That's not even the best part." Thomas flipped the paper to the other side of the front page, seeing a picture of me signing an autograph, looking at the camera. It was a bad angle on me, thats for sure.

Natalia Vallelonga made a statement on January 26 1909 that changed the perspective of female popularity.

"I dont believe women's only purpose in life is to marry. They should have their fun first, then settle down with a man they love or not. It should be their choice." She said, shocking everybody in the country.

Women in America took her statement to heart and started protesting a week after her opinion was released. Her statement inspired American women, suddenly wanting their individual rights just like men. Vallelonga, being a well known American herself, succeeded in persuading women all around the world to want to be treated equally. She has started a campaign.

'Women work smarter than men.' is the title on posters all around the world with Vallelonga's picture on it.

My mouth dropped at the sight of one of the posters. I hadn't realized what an impact this would have on my career. I wasn't planning on making the front page. Or making half of the goddamn newspaper for god sakes. This could make or break my career.

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