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tw ‼️ self harm mentions, depictions of rape, abuse

"i'm going to have you sleep in my quarters tonight, y/n, instead of going back to your dorm," lupin said. she had been expecting this, so she just nodded. "also, i need you to drink this blood replenishing potion before you get up."

obediently, y/n took the vial he handed her, and chugged it all down in one go. it tasted like metal and stomach acid. she gagged. the effect was instantaneous, however. her heart rate finally dropped to a reasonable level, and her face wasn't nearly as pale.

lupin conjured pajamas and led her to the bathroom where she could get changed. after that, he showed her the bedroom that was connected to his room. it was fairly sparse, with a twin bed and a small bookcase with muggle novels, bottles of water, and a teddy bear.

"this is where you'll sleep. if you need me, i'm in the next room. feel free to wake me up for anything at all. i'm here for you, okay?" lupin waited until she nodded.

y/n felt so entirely drained, and empty, it was hard to come up with any words to say at all. she was able to muster up a simple "thank you" and promptly snuggled under the covers as soon as lupin left the room. rather than falling asleep quickly, as she had hoped to, y/n stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours. it must have been around 3 in the morning at this point. she couldn't believed she had burdened professor lupin with all her problems. she should be able to take care of herself. what kind of loser needs their teacher to watch over them?

i should die, i don't deserve to be alive. i'm wasting everyone's time and space, she thought despairingly. y/n scratched at the scabbed over wounds on her arms until they bled, and gradually slipped into an uneasy slumber.

the nightmares didn't stay at bay for long.

this time she saw her stepdad, luke. she had just showed him her test scores from her muggle school (y/n is muggle born). it was a B. fine, but fine was never good enough for him. he grabbed her shoulders, shaking her roughly.

"what the fuck is this?! do you think this is fucking acceptable? god you're so useless," luke snarled. his breath reeked of alcohol. she whimpered softly. "what do i have to do to make you do better?" he asked to himself, something moved beneath his eyes, something so evil and disgusting that she struggled even harder to get out of his grasp. he smiled cruelly. "i know. you did bad, and bad girls deserve to be punished."

"no. no please! i'll do better, i promise!" y/n begged in vain. his eyes wondered lower, lower than they should. he pushed her to the ground, and pinned her arms and legs so she couldn't move. she screamed, but there was nobody else home to hear her, and no neighbors that would care.

luke's voice whispered in her ear, "this is what you deserve, you asked for it." he unbuckled his jeans, and y/n thought she was going to throw up. she protested and cried and begged, but she was no match against the 200 pound man. eventually, she stopped resisting, and just tried to leave her body behind. her mind was untethered, and y/n felt as if she was simply observing the abuse of her own body. numb. she was numb to all of it.

lupin's pov

remus lupin woke up to the sound of y/n crying and screaming from the next room. he flew out of bed and raced into her room.

"stop! please leave me alone! i'll do better!" she writhed around in her covers. his heart broke just watching her.

"y/n, y/n wake up, it's only a dream!" he grabbed her hand and tried to pull her back to reality. "you're ok, please, wake up"

her eyes opened, full of tears and panic for the second time tonight. she sat up and dissolved into sobs.

"it's ok y/n, it wasn't real." lupin handed her the stuffed bear that was on the bookshelf and she hugged it tightly.

"but i-it, it was real," she said between sobs.

"what do mean?" lupin asked, concerned.

"my stepfather. h-he... i can't ever erase it from my mind," y/n whispered.

"what did your stepfather do, y/n?"

she shook her head, tears streaming.

"y/n? i need you to tell me if he hurt you."

"i- i can't,"

"would it be easier to write it down?" y/n considered this, and even though the thought of someone knowing what had happened terrified her, she nodded. it was time to be brave.

lupin handed her a pen and a piece of paper. trembling, y/n wrote out, "he raped me" and handed it to the kindhearted professor.

she watched as he read the words. his eyes widened, and she observed as anger, pity, sadness, and determination made their way through his eyes.

"y/n... this wasn't your fault."

hi guys! i just wanted to let you all know that you aren't alone. if anyone ever needs to vent my dms are always open 🤎. also, don't forget to star and comment! it means a lot and gives me motivation to write more chapters!

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