We are Hybrid!

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As Izuku was brushing his teeth, his newfound slime companions conversed about changes they could make to Izuku's body. 'Izuku, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you are small.' Toxin informed Izuku, who groaned and continued to brush his teeth. 'Can we make you taller?' Venom asked Izuku. Izukus stopped brushing his teeth, turned the tap, and drank from it, filling his mouth with water. He gurgled it around his mouth and spat it back into the sink. "Sure, can you make my dick bigger as well?" Izuku asked them with sarcasm.

'We already have.' Carnage told him,'You have? Is that why I feel more of a drag in my pants?" Izuku questioned.'Yes, that and because you're holding in a lot of piss.' Anti-Venom told Izuku. Izuku put his toothbrush down on the edge of the sink and slid over to the toilet, and pulled his pants down, showing Izuku his new B.A.D. (Big, Asian, Dick). "Guess you did make it bigger..." Izuku muttered as he pulled his pants back up after taking a piss, Izuku went back to the sink and washed his hands.

Afterwards, Izuku peeked his head out of the door, and no one was home. He walked out of the bathroom and said, "So, you got a costume for us?" Izuku asked the symbiotes."Costume?" Toxin questioned."Well, I'm not gonna go out in normal clothes, now am I?" Izuku questioned the younger symbiote. "Touché," Toxin said, and the 4 symbiotes moulded around Izuku's body, creating a costume for Izuku.

 "Touché," Toxin said, and the 4 symbiotes moulded around Izuku's body, creating a costume for Izuku

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"Damn, this is awesome!" Izuku shouted, looking at himself with a big smile under the mask. Izuku walked to the sliding doors that allowed anyone to look at the shared garden of the apartment complex. He slid the door open and walked through but smacked his head against the ceiling. "Ow! Did you already make me taller?" Izuku questioned the Symbiotes."Yeah, we made you taller after you came out of the bathroom." Venom told Izuku.

Izuku sighed and jumped off the ledge, and a tendril shot from his hand towards another ledge, and he swung into the street. To Izuku, this felt amazing. The wind blowing past his masked face, it felt like he was flying. The Shadow that was cast by him caught the eye of many people down on the streets of mustafu. They looked up in curiosity at who this person was. "Is that a new hero?" A woman asked another onlooker,"Beats me, never heard about any hero that looks like that." The middle-aged man told the woman.

Izuku swung above the streets until he got near a park, and Izuku heard a kid cry put. "Oh no, the ball!" Izuku glanced at the ball that rolled onto the street, and the kid chased after it, but Izuku wasn't in any rush to help because thankfully, there were no cars nearby. Until...



A Bugatti spun around the corner, and the person inside just stared forward, not caring about the kid that was very clearly in the road. A tendril shot from Izuku's hand and pulled himself towards the ground just in front of the boy. Izuku's fist enlargened, and as the Bugatti continued to rush towards Izuku and the boy, Izuku slammed his fist down on the hood of the car completely destroying the front.

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