Chapter XXVI

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[XXVI.] Odd Friendships

For a moment, Cassandra felt lost

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For a moment, Cassandra felt lost. 

It felt as if she was peering into a window, looking into a view of someone else's life as she sat before a banquet table. 

Candles twinkled like starlight from the tabletops. Dancers swung gracefully in circles as servants brought out arrays of delicious food and drinks. Strangers offered congratulations and presented extravagant gifts of gold and silk. 

It was only when she felt a hand squeeze hers, encouraging her to look at the person beside her that she felt grounded, making her realize that this was her life. This was her wedding feast and she was here right at this moment with him. 

Oberyn smiled as he felt her eyes on him, leaning forward to whisper. "Are you alright? Are the dragon peppers too spicy?" 

Cassandra returned his grin, shaking her head. "No, it's just that I cannot believe we are married. Can you?" 

"I still cannot believe it myself. I never thought I would be so lucky as to be married at all." He answered jokingly, winking as he did. 

"Of course, it is not as if our own brothers arranged our marriage for us." She teased sarcastically, taking a bite of the sliced lamb on her plate. 

"Did they? Those fiends!" He gasped in shock and indignation, causing many guests to turn toward them in curiosity. "Curse my striking good looks and beautiful singing voice, I knew they would be my end!"

Cassandra laughed loudly, her hand shoving him away playfully before registering the eyes on them. "Gods, everyone is looking." 

Oberyn answered, his dark eyes roving over her face. "Of course they are. Who wouldn't be looking at you, Cassandra? You're the most beautiful woman in the entire realm."

She could feel heat rush into her cheeks as she flushed though she paid it no mind as she rolled her eyes. "They were looking because of you, you infuriating man." 

He shrugged in agreement for a moment before jumping to his feet, offering her his hand. "Will you be willing to join your infuriating husband for a dance?" 

She suppressed a smile at his offer as she pursed her lips. "It depends. Does my infuriating husband promise not to leave in the middle of the dance this time?" 

For once, his dark eyes didn't gleam with mischief as he spoke sincerely. "I promise I won't. Not ever again." 

She found she could not say anything to that, opting to place her hand in his instead. Allowing him to pull her to her feet, they made their way to the middle of the dancefloor. 

The crowd parted to make way for them as the musicians readied their instruments for the next dance. Much like the last time, she placed her hand in his in anticipation of the song's first notes. 

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