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As he approached the warehouse, Atsuo heard Usagi's voice in his ear.

"Okay, I'm tracking your location. You reached the warehouse?"

"Yep, I'm here." Atsuo said.

"Okay, all you have to do is stall Isamu long enough so I can send the cops to your location."

"Got it. I'm going in now."

Atuso pulled the doors open and walked inside. He was immediately greeted by Megane.

"Hey, Usagi!" He called out, "How was your walk?"

Atsuo froze, then he nodded his head.

"That's good to hear. What's with the hood?"

Atsuo shrugged.

"Hm. It suits you." Megane said.

Atsuo kept walking to the stairwell.

"Was that Megane?" Usagi asked.

"Yeah, he just asked how my walk was." Atsuo said, keeping his voice down.

"Oh, yeah, I said I was going out for a bit. As long as you don't respond verbally, you'll be fine."

"Gotcha. Now, where am I going?"

"Just find Isamu and find a way to get you and him isolated, preferably in his office."

"But how on earth am I gonna do tha-"

Suddenly, Atsuo heard Crowbar call out to him.

"Hey, Usagi."

Atsuo looked over at him.

"Usagi, how's it going?"

Atsuo shrugged a bit.

"Eh, same here." Crowbar said, putting his hands on his hips, "Man, I still can't believe that kid would do something like that."

Atsuo tilted his head, feigning confusion.

"I'm talking about Atsuo." Crowbar continued, "I had no idea he had that in him, doing Boss in like that. I'm telling you, Isamu changed him. The Atsuo I found in the back alley a few years ago wouldn't hurt a fly if you paid him. *Sigh* it feels different without him wandering the halls."

Atsuo's eyebrows raised a bit. Then, he pointed upwards, towards Isamu's office.

"You're looking for Isamu?" Crowbar asked, "Well, you're not gonna find him in his office. He's been walking around, checking things out, you know, since he's the new boss and all. But I'd be careful around him if you run into him. He's a bit on-edge."

Atsuo nodded, then he walked up the stairs.

"Hm, you're surprisingly good at communicating without words." Usagi said.

"What can I say? I've known you for years." Atsuo said, "But I didn't know people saw me that way."

"Oh, we've always seen you as the innocent one, heh. Alright, I guess we'll just wait for Isamu to find us."

"Alright then."

Atsuo couldn't help but think,

"I'm the 'innocent one,' huh? I guess I'm not so innocent anymore."

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Hello, Usagi."

Atsuo turned around and saw Isamu walking up to him, his arms crossed.

"I see you've returned." Isamu said, looking down at him.

Atsuo felt beads of sweat running down his masked face. He nodded. Isamu raised an eyebrow.

"Where did you go?" He asked.

Atsuo waved his hand a bit.

"Around, huh? You know, I was just looking for you. Step into my office for a moment."

Atsuo nervously followed Isamu to his office.

"I'd be careful in there if I were you." Usagi said, "Isamu doesn't usually talk with me like the others do. He's definitely up to something. Watch your back in there."

Atsuo nodded, then he stepped into Isamu's office. Isamu closed the door, turned the lock, and walked over to the brand new desk on the other side of the room, leaning against it.

"I have a few questions about Atsuo." He said, "I figured I'd ask you since you know him the best."

Atsuo nodded.

"So, did Atsuo seem to be acting differently in the days leading up to yesterday?"

Atsuo shrugged.

"Hm. To me, he seemed a bit...snappy, I guess. Did he seem tired at all?"

Atsuo hesitated, then he nodded.

"He did? Huh. I guess I worked him a bit hard."

Atsuo nodded, agreeing with him.

Isamu walked over to him.

"But you're a good worker." He said, smiling a bit, "You're more...cut out for this, you know?"

Atsuo didn't respond, frozen in place.

Then, Isamu turned around, turning his back to Atsuo.

"I expected better from Atsuo." He said, "I hope he learned at least a few things from the past few days."

Atsuo could feel the tension in the air, tight enough to be cut with a knife. Drops of sweat ran down his face. The silence was piercing him. Suddenly, Isamu whipped around, burying his closed fist in Atsuo's stomach. Atsuo yelped in pain and shock before falling to the ground, doubled over, groaning in pain. Then, Isamu pulled him up by the collar of his hoodie, bringing his face closer before punching it hard, cracking the mask on his face.

"You're not Usagi." Isamu growled, "I knew it from the moment I saw you."

He flung Atsuo's hood off his head, revealing his hair, before tearing his mask off his now bleeding face and throwing it to the side. He unzipped his hoodie and ripped it off his back.

"I knew you'd come crawling back." He said, scowling, "You barely even lasted a day out there. And what's this behind your ear?"

Isamu snatched his earpiece and threw it to the ground, stomping on it and smashing it to pieces. Then, he shoved Atsuo into the wall, knocking him to the ground.

"What are you doing back here?" He demanded, "Can't make it on your own out there?"

Atsuo wiped his bloody nose with the back of his hand.

"...I'm not crawling back for mercy." He said, "There's something you need to know. You just need to hear me out."

Isamu scoffed.

"Heh, and why would I hear YOU out?" He asked.

Atsuo stood up.

"...maybe I did learn a few things over the past few days." He said, "Like how to put up with someone like you."

Isamu's eye twitched a bit. He walked over to Atsuo and grabbed his shirt collar.

"You'd better watch your attitude around me." He said, his voice teeming with anger.

"I'll watch my attitude as soon as you listen to me." Atsuo said firmly.

Isamu swung his fist, but Atsuo caught it in the palm of his hand. Then, Isamu pushed him back again.

"What do you want?!" He shouted.

"You're my brother!!" Atsuo blurted out.

Isamu froze.

"...what the hell are you talking about?" He asked.

Atsuo looked him dead in the eyes and pulled the folded up letter out of his pocket.

"I said you're my brother. And I have proof."

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