Chapter Thirty-One: The Larkwing Chase

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The forest went up in orange flames and black smoke. Even though the cursed vines had been harder to light than expected, it'd only taken several tries for a big leaf to catch and start the forest burning. Natan watched from a distance, thoughts bleak and numb. Whether Adonai had given him a sign to seek His light, whether he had decided to protect the Larkwing girl or not, the choice had been made for him. His coming doom was spelled out in the flames stretching across the border of the forest.

What else could happen that would possibly make things get worse?

Look there. Natan started and squinted through the smoke. Had something moved? No, surely not. She couldn't have. But there was something in the distance, something that had to be more than just a trick of the smoke.

He pushed away from the walls and walked sideways, trying to see around the growing clouds of smoke. There again. It was harder to see in the daylight, but there was a telltale glimmer of yellow. However improbably, the Larkwing girl had made it out of the forest. Natan glanced around. Had anyone else seen her? Surely they would've raised the alarm and gone after her. But no, everyone seemed focused on the fire.

Perhaps this was his chance.

Natan glanced around one last time and slipped back into the city to get his things. No one noticed him as he struck out in the direction the Larkwing girl had gone, too absorbed in managing and celebrating the Fonten Forest fire. The Liktof guards hadn't even bothered to question him and had waved him straight out with a cheery injunction not to get burnt. Hornar was somewhere to the south, working alongside the Liktofs at curbing an overeager arm of the growing fire. Tampul, he assumed, was there too. The Kazhrachs and everyone else who vaguely knew him were taking their shifts or in the guest house tending their burns.

Hopefully, no one would realize he'd left until the watch changed. Then let them try to find him. Perhaps if he pushed hard enough, he'd catch up to her in two or three days. It'd be best if he found her while she was sleeping. If she was flying and sped up he'd never be able to catch her. When he started to get close, he'd have to be stealthy. Too bad stealth didn't count for much and they would still be in Liktof's extended fields.

But once he caught her, then what?

On one hand, if he caught her then he could take her cape. His debt problems would be solved. On the other hand, she would hate him and would likely try to take it back. If he wanted to protect her and get her to release him from his promise, it would never happen. His conscience rankled at the thought of getting her to release him and then taking her cape.

Then there was the problem of seeking Adonai's light. If he was supposed to seek it, what would happen when he found it? And was the Larkwing girl's cape the light he was meant to follow? Sometimes he wondered at the capriciousness of the gods; how could he fulfill Adonai's demands if he didn't even know what exactly he was seeking?

No matter. Natan pushed his worries aside with an effort. If Adonai cursed him, it wouldn't be his fault. But it was probably a smart idea to try to convince the girl rather than forcefully take her cape. Or, at least, not to hurt her when he did.

He followed the bobbing speck until the moon started to sink and the glow disappeared on the edge of the horizon. Then, disregarding his fatigue, he pressed in the same direction for a few kilometers more. He had to close the distance while he could. But after another hour trying not to stumble in the near darkness among Liktof's fields, his eyes were glazing and Natan realized he wouldn't be able to make it much farther. Not bothering to find a hidden place to sleep, he walked to the next dirt trail, lay down, and fell asleep.

"Oy, there was someone ahead of us!"

Natan blinked through tired eyes and realized there were other hunters standing around him. He sat up and groaned.

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