Chapter 172: Remembering the past

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Translator: Lonelytree

At first, Chen Ran's parents really thought Xiao Lingyu had really betrayed Chen Ran, especially when they found out Xiao Lingyu was pregnant with an illegitimate child.

But later, they went to City Z and lived with Chen Ran and his wife for a period of life. Due to cultural differences, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law could not tolerate each other. Zhao Wenman especially despised her mother-in-law and father-in-law. She felt that they were dirty, smelly, and slovenly. They were no different from beggars.

Lan Erying still believed her son was the best man in the world. She was proud that he had married the daughter of a rich man. However, in her mindset, after a woman was married, she should serve her husband and his family.

As the mother-in-law, Lan Erying put on airs. From time to time, she would pick on Zhao Wenman and make her do the laundry and cook for her husband.

Zhao Wenman was not someone who would submit to others. Moreover, she did not like her mother-in-law. Because of that, they quarreled every day. Neither of them was satisfied with the other.

However, when Lan Erying heard the secret about Xiao Lingyu's pregnancy, she thought she could use it to control Zhao Wenman.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Wenman did not even change her expression and threatened to chase her parents-in-law away. She even warned them that if they were to tell anyone about this, she would make them lose everything. She would make Chen Ran lose everything and turn him into a beggar.

Of course, Chen Dahua and Lan Erying did not take it seriously.

In their mind, since Zhao Wenman was married to Chen Ran. Everything at the Zhao Family naturally belonged to the Chen Family. She didn't have the power to threaten them.

This time, Chen Ran finally said something. He sided with his wife and chased his parents home. He said, "Mom, Dad, I'll tell you the truth. I'm the one who married into the Zhao Family. The Zhao Family can really make us lose everything. Do you want me to go back to that poor village?"

When Chen Dahua and Lan Erying heard that their son was the lowlier party in the marriage, they were shocked and furious. They raised their son so well, not to give him as a present to the Zhao Family but to continue the lineage of the Chen Family. If the Chen Village people found out that Chen Ran's child would have the Zhao surname, they would mock them relentlessly.

"No, you can't do this!" Lan Erying cried and begged, "Son, what will happen to us in the future? Who will provide for us?"

Chen Ran said, "Dad, Mom, don't worry. No one will know the truth as long as you don't say anything. Also, I'll send you a sum of money every month. You should go back."

Lan Erying and Chen Dahua did not want to leave. How could they bear to part with the big and beautiful house with many maids serving them? However, Zhao Wenman had made it clear that if they did not go back, they would not send them any money from now on.

If they returned, they would still get 10,000 RMB every month.

Only then did Chen Dahua and Lan Erying leave City Z unwillingly and sadly.

Therefore, when they heard that Grandpa Xiao wanted to bring people to City Z, they felt guilty.

They were afraid that the truth of Chen Ran being the live-in son-in-law of the Xiao Family would be exposed. And they would lose face.

They were also afraid that the Xiao Family would find out the truth behind how Chen Ran and his wife had schemed against Xiao Lingyu.

They came to make trouble often because they wanted to remind everyone that Xiao Lingyu had betrayed Chen Ran and to remind themselves that their son was right. They were right, and Xiao Lingyu was wrong. They would only be happy when the Xiao Family was suffering.

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