Chapter Thirty Two

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"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." -Robert Frost

Memory Lane: Chapter Thirty Two

Another week flew by, filled with daily planning by Quinn for her 'masterful party' at the Walloomsac Inn. Every day she comes to class with a new theme laid out in detail, and every day she talks herself out of whatever idea she had and says she can do better for the most extravagant party of the year, or even our lives (as she has chosen to exaggerate). Knowing Quinn, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't somewhat scared of what she's going to come up with for the party. Wanting to have it at an abandoned building is enough without a crazy theme, but she won't settle for anything less.

Call it nervous excitement. Whatever she has in store, I know it won't be anything short of incredible. Especially with her imagination.

As I walk out of class and down the hall at the end of the day, I knock straight into a smaller form with surprisingly large cushioning in the front. Startled, I step back and quickly catch my balance, meeting the cat-like eyes of Shay. Instantly, I frown.

Shay has pretty much left me alone since the party incident. Seems whatever words Jesse said to her really got through to her. That being said, I have still felt her piercing gaze on me every time we are in a room together. 

She reeks of jealousy and has no shame in showing it.

"Sorry," she says, her tone completely negating the word as she eyes me. "Accident."

Right. Because you just randomly bumped into me when we are practically the only two people in this hallway.

"No harm done," I mutter as I side step her and continue on my way, but she blocks me almost instantly.

"So. Rumor has it that you and Jesse are now dating."

"Is there a question or can I go home?" I ask, pointing to the exit just a few yards behind her.

She rolls her eyes. "Is that true?"

"Yeah. Now if you could please just step to the side-"

"Interesting," Shay hums, giving me a onceover. But, rather than expand on her ominous statement, she just gives me a sickly sweet smile and moves out of my way, walking down the hall in the other direction.

I know her entire objective was to get me to stop her and take the bait, so the logical thing to do would be to continue walking and pretending this weird exchange never happened. But I can't help it. I've always been a particularly curious person. Her odd question and now vague response are hammering in my mind, so I stare after her.

"Shay," I call, and within a second she stops. She spins to me, the twitch of the smirk on her lips making me instantly regret that I fell into her little trap. Oh well. "Why are you wondering?" 

She shrugs. "Jesse doesn't date."

"Interesting that he's dating me, then."

"If you say so."

My blood boils. I grit my teeth. "And what do you mean by that?"

She finally looks at me rather than studying her nails. She studies me, narrowing her intimidatingly green eyes. "Has he actually ever called you his girlfriend?"

My thoughts fail for a moment. Has he? "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well? Has he?" 

"You saw us kiss the other week at The Oven Bird, right?" I look at her as if she's crazy for even talking to me about this. 

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