Part 42

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My wall unit awakens me.

Urgent message: Both you and your pet have a mandatory meeting with the head of the Pet Welfare Intelligence Agency. Location: Dr. Rigel's office.

I thrash my tail and carry Kayla down the corridor to our appointment.

When we arrive at Rigel's office, and I peer inside, expecting to find the entire Pet Welfare Intelligence Agency, only Rigel and Sirius gaze back at me. I join them, taking a seat on one of the empty chairs while Kayla goes to the couch.

"This is not meant to be an official meeting with the agency. Rather, I'm here to answer any questions either of you might have," says Sirius.

"Where is Loviatar?" Rigel asks.

"Loviatar is currently in Hydra's medical unit with a broken arm and leg," says Sirius. "But based on all the evidence—a room filled with surgical equipment and a doctor who admitted he was paid to do illegal pet modifications–"

"And he hurt my Kayla," I add, pulling Kayla from the couch and into my lap.

"That too... He will be transferred to Hydra's jail once his doctors approve his release."

I huff in annoyance. Why is Loviatar leisurely relaxing with his broken leg and arm? This makes me want to go break his limbs all over again. I ponder how I should do it. Break into the medical unit, maybe? Except Rigel has a pouty look.

I glare at Rigel. "What?!"

Rigel flutters his wings. "Don't."

I focus on what things I can accomplish, like how to punish Loviatar. The question remains: when should I track Loviatar down?

Rigel looks perturbed like he is judging me.

"What?!" I snap.

Rigel turns to Sirius. "What are your thoughts on any further attacks on Loviatar?"

"Further attacks?"

"Does Loviatar still have all his limbs?" I snarl and I thwack my tail against the floor.

"Understandable, but not recommended," says Sirius. "It might take time away from his punishment."

"But I hit him before and it was not a problem, so why can I not–"

"Citizen's arrest," says Sirius.


"We categorized the previous altercation as a citizen's arrest," Sirius clarifies. "But if it happens again..."

So many rules and regulations. "Fine," I huff, wondering how I might entice Loviatar out of his hospital room so I can make another citizen's arrest.

"Any other questions for me? Besides the request to assault the prisoner, that is," says Sirius, chuckling.

I glance at the door. Dare I hope this meeting will end?

"If there are no questions for me, then I have a few. When the Pet Welfare Intelligence Agency reviewed the records of what we believe transpired during Loviatar's capture, we noticed some anomalies." Sirius says, his eyes moving from me to Kayla.

My tail swishes and I press Kayla against my chest. Kayla pushes against me, trying to get out of my tight grip, but I can't let her go. If Sirius figures out that she and the rahonis are as smart as they are, he might decide to get rid of them. No, I won't give her up without a fight. If only she would cooperate and stay in my arms.

"My most pressing question is about the modifications made to the ship, the one I asked about before. First, medical supplies were tracked, and then... It tracked your pet," says Sirius, his eyes flicking to me. "I got notifications and that's what made us decide to go forward with our sting. Can you give us more information about that technique?"

The Human Pet: A Sci-Fi Romanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن