7. Bzzt bzzt

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(LN= last name)

(Happy 1k followers. I can't sleep so here's a chapter for you all as a thank you.)

"Alright. Get back to your bed. Let's go."

I followed him and glanced at him.

"Sir, what are you doing awake at 2 in the morning?"

"Doing my rounds."

"Do you know how to tap dance?"

"Excuse me?"

"Never mind."

"No more questions. Go to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow."

I do?


"Thank you sir."

I walked back to my bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

This time, with no dreams of fancy footed masked lieutenants.

I woke up again and the first thing that popped into mind was, "Does Ghost watch me sleep all the time!?"

Well, maybe not just me but still.

I did my morning routine and headed out for training.

Ghost and Gaz stood there waiting as the sun slowly started to rise.

I was a bit surprised to see Ghost there.

He must be exhausted.

Or maybe he fell asleep after we spoke.

But still, he must be tired.

"Has anyone here ever been tased?" Gaz asked and a few hands went up.

"Who would like to volunteer?" Gaz asked motioning towards the taser in Ghost's hand. 

Absolutely not.

A few hands slowly went down but a few brave souls kept their hands up as well as some new comers.

"Private LN, get up here." Ghost ordered.

I glanced around.

There's another LN here? Strange.

"Private LN, I don't like repeating myself. Get your ass up here. Now."

Oh shit, he's glaring at me.

He means ME.

Oh crap.

I made my way up to the front of the line and stood in front of the sergeant and lieutenant.

"Do you think you could outrun me?" Ghost pressed the power button on the taser a few times and glanced up at me.

Is that a trick question?

I felt a bead of sweat trickle down the side of my face.


"Answer the question, damn it."

"I can definitely try."

"It's a yes or no question, Private."

"No sir."


I turned and sprinted as fast as I could.

My heart was beating out of my chest.

I don't wanna get tased!


I was thrown to the floor and Ghost grabbed my ankle, dragging me back to where everyone stood.

Please don't, please don't, PLEASE DON'T!

I shut my eyes and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

I finally got the courage to open my eyes.

Ghost was on his knees staring at me. When he saw I was opening my eyes he brought the taser to my stomach and pressed the button.

I don't know if I screamed.

I probably did.

I know nothing of what I did until I was panting on the floor.

Ghost was talking but I couldn't hear him.

"It's normal for people to urinate themselves like Private LN here did. Some people even defecate." Ghost gestured down at me.


I pushed myself onto my elbows and looked at my pants.

They were soaked and I smelled of urine.


I glanced at everyone and I could see a few people trying not to laugh.

I hate this man!

I hate him so much!

Ghost x reader: New Recruit Where stories live. Discover now