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Narrator POV

Natalie works 2 jobs just to get paid scraps until her two best friends Claire and Sasha found out and they were not happy.

Natalie POV

Another hard work day where my boss would not pay me right because 'I didn't do it right' I know he sucks.

But now I'm at the mall with my two friends Sasha and Claire who wanted to go shopping after school.

Then my phone started to ring making me pick up to hear my boss yelling back at me.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" He yelled through the phone making me flinch as I replied.

"It's my day off sir." I whispered as I walked away from my friends to take the call.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT IT IS WE ARE SHORT STAFFED." He yelled back at me making me pull the phone away from my ear.

"I'm sorry but I can't come in today." I apologized quietly as he groaned.

"Of course you can't because you have better things to do." He said angry as I sighed.

"Have a good day sir." I said quietly trying to keep my job.

"Fuck off." He said before hanging up the phone I sighed as I went back to my friends who asked me questions about where I went but I shrugged it off.

I went to the bathroom handing my things to my friends before leaving to the bathroom after I did my business I came back to my friends looking, angry?

"Hey what happened you guys look pissed?" I asked as they both looked at me before they showed me my texts messages.

It was my bosses angry texts at me both of them cussing at me and such because I couldn't come in.

"Why didn't you tell us you had not one but two jobs? And that they treated you like this?" Claire asked worried at the texts.

"I needed the money and I didn't want you guys to worry." I replied looking down at the ground ashamed.

Both of them surrounded me with Sasha lifting up my face with her hands making me look at them both.

"We would have helped you Nat." Claire said softly wiping away my tears that I didn't know were falling down my face.

"We would buy you the damn world if you asked." Sasha said shocking me as Claire nodded.

"No you wouldn't, you wouldn't spend that much money on me." I said as they both looked at each other before back at me.

"We would fucking by you a damn brand if you wanted." They both said in union as I cried.

They pulled me into a hug, swaying me back and forth sweetly as Claire kissed the top of my head and Sasha squeezing me tightly.

"We love you Natalie, we would do anything for you, buy anything for you, give anything to you we would do literally anything for you all you have to do is say the word." Sasha said as they both grabbed my hands pulling me out of the store that we were in.

"Now I think it's time we spoil our princess, don't you think Sasha?" Claire asked making blush come across my face as she nodded.

"Yeah I think so." She replied as we walked through the mall, happily.

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