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The man who worked the counter was quick to greet us. Only once pulling a strange expression at Aamon's appearance, but quickly adjusting his face once Aamon had noticed his reaction. I smiled what I prayed was a softer, genuine smile to try to ease his mind. It seemed to have no effect as I noticed him eye my teeth just a moment before he gestured to the menu on the wall above his head.

"The display has a huge selection of our fresh meats, cut and seasoned to perfection. If you'd rather eat the deli than take home fresh meats, the menu is here and has about anything you could ask for." Aamon scowled. Then, it hit me.  Aamon can't read the language, he can only speak it.

"Thank you! It all looks great and there's so many options. Do you mind if we have a moment to choose?" The man nodded and disappeared into the back, where another man poked his head around the corner to see Aamon.

"Does anything up there look good to you?" I glanced towards the pictures on the menu.

"Bread." I wasn't sure if it was a question or a statement, but I was sure he didn't want only bread.

"Yeah. The sandwiches have bread." He nodded.

"No bread. No leaf or any of that." He scoffed. "I just want what's in there. Those meats."

"Which ones?"

"However many we can get without troubles." I tried to look over the display to see pricing and variety. I decided I'd order a sandwich for myself, and just a bunch of meats for Aamon. I approached the counter once again and the man came rushing to get our order.

"I'd like a number three, with two colas. And at the risk of sounding odd, could you mix up a big sample platter of meats? Whatever combination is fine, but I'd need enough to fix for about four people."

"Of course." Both men were upfront, once my sandwich was made and were working up a platter of food in unison. Likely rushing to get Aamon out of here so they could gossip in the back.

Aamon flashed me the biggest Cheshire grin as I dug into my pockets to retrieve the wad of stolen cash. I felt awkward trying to sort through the bills to hand the cashier money for our total. Aamon seemed to be completely unphased as he bore down his scrutinizing gaze upon us as cash and change exchanged hands. I realized quickly that I'm not alone in how his gaze affected me, as the cashier seemed to squirm and wipe his free hand on his trousers. Aamon lingered on him, enjoying the reaction.

"Thank you sir. Have a great day." I linked an arm in to Aamon's and attempted to drag him over to a booth against the far window. He hastily brushed me off and snatched the food away.

"I thought we could eat there." I tilted my head towards the booth, but he had already pawed his way into the bag on top of the platter and had begun scarfing my sandwich. He looked to me, and I looked away as we sat down. I had learned he did not like to eat last, or be watched while he ate. It was as if he took it as a challenge.

"Maybe don't draw so much attention to us." I mumbled. He curled his lip, and brought a hand down loudly against the top of the table.

I had many things I'd have liked to have said, but all of them would've led to being publicly dismembered or decapitated so I held them in. I tried to keep a blank mind as I cringed at the disgusting eating noises Aamon made. In my peripheral vision, I could see him grabbing at food and hastily raking it back towards himself. Then he sucked up the entire cola in maybe four gulps. He shook his head and beelched, startling himself in the process. My skin prickled with the weight of eyes on us, and I didn't need to look to know the employees were peeping at us on the occasion.

"I like this drink."

I didn't make eye contact until I seen him slide a little meat towards me.
I sighed at the intrusive voice in my head, but I did not argue. I ignored the feeling of the prying eyes, and I ate. The quicker I ate, the sooner we hopefully would leave.

The Bitten. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें