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This is the happiest I've ever been. I now get to skate off the rink into the arms of the most beautiful girl in the world and kiss her. It's something I've always dreamed of and now it's finally a reality. I wrap my arms tighter around Emery and she squeaks in shock as I spin her around. 

"Jason put me down!"

I do as she says and kiss her forehead," Hello, Beautiful. I missed you."

"We saw each other an hour ago," She laughs. God, she's beautiful," I have some exciting news for you."

"Oh? And what's that?"

She looks down nervously for a moment and I take her hand in mine, squeezing it gently. She takes a deep breath before telling," So, I've applied to a few colleges and I finally heard back from a few."

A smile breaks out on my face," That's great. Where did you get in?"

"Massachusetts," She tells me, a bright smile brimming on her face," I'm going to accept it."

Happiness shoots through me again and I spin her around. This time she just tightens her hold and laughs," I love you so much. I'm so proud of you."

I set her down and love the red flush on her cheeks," I love you too. Now go get changed. You smell like sweat."

I kiss her cheek and she watches as I enter the locker room. I barely notice any of the conversations happening around me. I'm so excited to have a future with Emery. I never thought it was going to happen but it finally did and now we're going to the same college. We now just have to get through our last few months of high school and our sports events to get there. We both only have a few more. 

"Hey, Jay, congrats on finally getting your girl," Ace pats my shoulder on his way out," We were all counting the days for it to happen."

I roll my eyes," No one was counting the days more than me."

I stand and walk out of the locker room with him, Aaron following close behind," For you both being smart, you are actually idiots for not noticing your feelings sooner."

I snort," I will punch the shit out of you."

"Why are we punching Aaron?" Emery laughs. She's holding both of our bags but I quickly take them from her," I'm sure he deserves it."

"Rude," Aaron chuckles," I'm just talking about how long it took you both to realize your feelings despite how smart you are."

"You mean how smart I am," Emery jokes, turning to walk out of the doors," Jays not that smart."

I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into me with a laugh," Cruel woman. I have some brains," I press my lips to her neck a few times making her giggle and push my head away.

"You two are so cute," Ace grimaces," Disgusting."

Emery giggles," You just want what we have, Ave. Don't be so jealous. I know a few guys who would be all over you in a moment."

I don't miss the panicked look Aaron sends Emery and I snort. He's so obvious, it's adorable. Ace flips us off and beats us outside. We split up and I drive Emery home. I draw lazy circles over her thighs and she messes with my hair as she looks out the window. It's so simple and lovely and everything I've ever needed. 

I let out a short laugh when I see my parent's car outside her house," I guess they are exchanging their bet money."

Emery laughs with me," I still can't believe they did that."

"Really? Cause I can," I poke her cheek," I thought you were supposed to be the smart one."

She flicks my head and I catch her hand, kissing her palm. She blushes and I smile," You can have this one. Let's go see what everyone's doing."

We're both quickly bombarded by happy parents and questions that we struggle to answer. I watch in amusement as our parents pass around money depending on how we answer a question and Emery just gapes at them. I figured they were betting on us. They bet on almost everything that has to do with us. We're their form of entertainment. 

"Can we go up to her room yet," I ask both sets of parents with a laugh," Or do you still have more money to pass around?"

A shocked laugh leaves my mouth when they all go quiet, clearly thinking. Finally, Emery's mom lets us go and we make the great escape up to her room while they start cooking. I flop back onto her bed with a content sigh. Her bed is so much better than mine. It's so comfy and I can get drunk on the overwhelming smell of her. 

I watch her crawl up next to me and I pull her into me. She laughs a little and I say," I can't believe I finally have you."

She's quiet for a moment and I look down at her. She has a happy glimmer in her eyes," You've always had me, Jason. You just get me for as long as I want now."

I roll us over and she laughs as I snuggle my head into her neck, mumbling," I hope you want me forever, lovely girl."

"I'm sure I will," She gently runs her fingers through my hair and I hum at the scratching at my scalp. It feels amazing. 

I look up at her after a moment," Did Aaron admit his feelings about Ace to you?"

She nods, her excitement about something completely different now," When I went to get snacks that night he was outside and we talked."

"Bastard," I grumble," I've been his friend for years and he told you first."

She laughs, poking my cheeks," Just give him time."

I sigh," Fine. Are we going to help them get together?"

She laughs even harder," No, we aren't. They need to figure it out on their own."

I groan into her neck and tighten my hold on her," We'll be graduated from college before either of them act on their feelings."

"And that is perfectly okay," She pulls my head up to look at her," For now, let's be happy together. I can't wait for this future with you."

I smile at her and kiss her gently," I can't wait either."

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