Chapter Due

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I wake up and I am in the exact same spot. 2 nightmares in a row isn't good, especially when I haven't had them in weeks. I thought I could get through one night without my sleeping pills but clearly not, I have to get more today.

I got out of the cradling position I fell asleep in. I grab onto the wall to steady myself as I walk to the ensuite bathroom and take a cold shower struggling not to look in the mirror. I have a quick 10 minute shower even after being free and everything I do still follow the rules.

1.quick cold showers

2. only 2 meals a day and small portions

3. train everyday for 4 hours

4. fight at least 4 fights a night and win everyone

5. race every second night with 6 races and win

6. work everyday. NO BREAKS

I have tried to lose the routine but it's hard because it's the only safety net I have. Stick to the routine and everything will be fine. It is what I am used to. I walk downstairs to see my 2 best friends eating breakfast which is weird as they normally sleep in.

"What are you two doing up at this time? you normally sleep in." "Well, we wanted to train with you. we haven't done it together in so long." Justin pleaded "yeah we haven't and we could use one of your extensive important stretches you love" Asher adds being sarcastic on importance. " hey stretching its important and my stretches are the best"

I grab an apple for breakfast receiving pitied looks from Justin and Asher. ugh I hate pity.

I grabbed my backpack and before walking into the garage I yelled " if you wanna ride with me you have 30 seconds to get in the car!" not even a half a second before I finish they are sprinting to the garage.

They shove each other with a shotgun but when I start walking to the car they stop and jump in the car as quick as they can knowing I would leave them there if they didn't.

Justin was in the front and Asher was in the back. I sped all the way to school ignoring all road rules knowing I wouldn't get pulled over. The 20 minute drive to school became 8. That's not even my fastest.

Dark DreamsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt