Chapter 1

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People are gathered around me. A light blinding my view of there facial features, It's burning my eyes.

A loud noise can be heard ringing in my ear. I think the people are talking but I can't tell what they are saying.

As i go to speak I realised I can't. My throat feels dry and my lips cracked. I try to raise my arm to somehow communicate to the people around me but to no avail, my arm wont move.

I feel paralyzed and numb. One of the people, a guy with black hair in an all white suit leans down towards me with some sort of rod.

Just blink. If I blink it will go away. Right? I close my eyes only to open them once more. The light is gone, so are the people. I am able to move and speak once more.

I get up from my bed as I make my way to the bathroom, wiping the sweat from my brow. Creaking of the wooden floors as I walk is the only thing to be heard. Well that and the birds chirping. Such a happy tune, blissfully unaware of the world around them.

I enter the bathroom and carry out my morning routine as I prepare for the journey ahead. School. I don't need it, I know everything they have taught yet I'm forced to go.

Forced to go through the same routine. Wake up, wash up, get dressed, eat, walk to school, do my school work, head home, sleep, repeat. Its a never ending cycle. Oh how I wish there was a change. A small alteration to the repetitive motion known as life.

I finish up in the bathroom and begin to get dressed. I decided on wearing ripped dark blue jeans with a white shirt and a baggy hoody. Along with some old dingy white converse.

Once fully clothed I head to the kitchen to eat an apple and drink some water. Once finished I wipe my hands on my worn down jeans, grabbing my brown satchel as I head out the front door.

Finally approaching the school, I sigh.

"Hey y/n" A soft yet confident voice flowed through my ears. Oh goodie, the queen has come to mingle with the common folk.

I pause, rolling my eyes as I turn to Aimiah, taking in her flawless yet pale corpse like complexion and perfect features. Her brown hair is as straight as always, with striking blue eyes to match. She's sporting a knee high blue dress with a daisy pattern, white doc martens, and a oversized denim jacket draped over her dainty figure.

I can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Not because of the outfit she chose but because of how pristine the clothes are. All of her clothes are clearly new and tailored just for her. While I'm wearing run down clothes that are all either handy downs or from the old thrift store in town.

"What do you want", my voice sounding scratchy as I reply.

I guess I should have drank more water before I left. As if Aimiah could read my mind she smiles and hands me an unopened water bottle from her ridiculously oversized purse.

"You sound thirsty y/n, you should really prioritize your health more". Aimiah says as she gazes at me with an unspoken look in her eyes.

She moves her delicate fingers gracefully through her perfectly straight chocolate brown hair. It's like she is mocking me with her beauty. How annoying.

I take a sip of water and secure the water bottle in my satchel. Once secured I turn back to Aimiah with a bored look.

"Thank you, but I must get going now"

I turn on my heel as I continue walking further into the school before the bell rings. As I walk away I swear I could feel her beautiful blue eyes watching my leaving figure intensely.

After that strange incounter with the queen bee herself I was finally able to make it to class right as the bell rings. The teacher has yet to enter the class so I head to my normal seat only to spot a...girl.

Her complextion is pale like Aimiahs but with a pinker undertone that gives her skin more life. She's wearing black skinny jeans, green flats and a muted green cinch waisted balloon sleeve blouse that hugs her body perfectly.

Who is she? Why is she here? Is she new? Most importantly, why is she in my seat? I walk up to her hesitantly, not use to so much social interaction in one day.

"Hey, um, I'm s-sorry to bother you ma'am but it a-appears you are in my s-seat", I stuttered.

She looks up at me from her phone, making eye contact with me. She has the most beautiful hazel eyes I have ever seen. They are so soft and yet mysterious all the same.

"Shae, my name is Shae. It's a bit weird calling someone around your age ma'am don't you think"

Her voice is heavenly. It's at a high pitch but it's also very soft and low in volume. It's wonderful, she's wonderful. I could feel myself tremble slightly as she continues to judge me with her eyes. After a few seconds of awkwardness I was able to utter a sorry.

"Hey don't worry about it. Here's your seat back, I wasn't aware that we had a seating arrangement" she spoke as she got up from my chair.

"We don't, I just find comfort in sitting in this area. It's the farthest away from the rest of the class" I whispered. She raises a perfectly trimmed eyebrow as a smirk begins to form on her face.

"Oh I get it, your the shy type. Don't worry, I understand, i mean who doesn't like the corner of the room"

Her smirk stretches into a sincere smile one last time before she takes her leave to a different seat. Her blonde locks swaying behind her. I watch her take a seat by the door closer to the front. No one ever sits there and there are plenty of other seats. I wonder why she chose that spot specifically, how strange of her.

I hum slightly as I gaze at her one last time before I finally decide to take my seat as the teacher enters the room. Throughout the rest of the class period I can't help but feel like I'm being watched.

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