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It's a sunny morning. I've been waiting for those people who will help me move my stuff.

This is it. This is the day I will move in with my grandmother. I actually never met her. She also lives far from us. Ohh, I mean me. It's just me now.

My parents died when they were abroad, going to their vacation spot. I heard their plane crashed when they were on their way to Australia.

And since I'm still 17, I needed someone to take care of me. So that's why I'm moving in with my grandma.

Mom told me one time, that I have a grandma who lives alone in a forest. She used to have a husband, but died early. And she loves animals, like me.

Dad told me that she has a lot of pets that guard and take care of her. They're like her companions when grandpa died. I wonder what kind of pets she has.

Few minutes later, the moving team finished putting the boxes on the truck, and then I gave them the address of my grandma and we went off to her.

I'm kinda excited and nervous. I never saw her, and I don't know if she ever met me, or she knew me. Let's just hope that she somehow knew me.

I heard that this was a 5 hour trip to her house. Ohh, how I wish I brought something to kill my boredom.

I spent the next 5 hours sleeping and bumping my head onto something hard as I sleep.

And when I woke up, I saw the forest. It's cool and windy. I feel like I will like it here.

I wonder if her house is in the middle of the forest. And if some other people have houses here.

After a few minutes of travelling inside the forest, we arrived at a not that old, but decent cottage house. It has a mini gate and a front yard with a cherry blossom tree.

When I opened the gate, a cute little chick greeted me. It was jumping and flapping its wings as it chirped cutely. I sat down and put my hand in front of it and it jumped on my hand. I stood up and brought it with me.

I slowly approached the door and knocked. I heard a bark, probably from a puppy, then a voice was heard. The door opened and my grandma looked at me.

"Hello grandma. I don't know if yo—"

"Ohh my lovely dear! How good to see you!" She walked to me with open arms and hugged me. I carefully hugged her as I still have the chick on my hand. Then she broke the hug and held me at my shoulders.

"You're already grown up. I still remember when I last saw you. You're still a baby that will cry nonstop." Then she chuckled. She noticed that I was holding a chick at my hands. "Ohh, I see you're holding Felix."

"Felix? That's the name of this chick?" I asked and she laughed. "Yes dear, he's one of my lovely companions."

I looked down as I saw a puppy sitting beside grandma's feet. He seemed uninterested in seeing me, though I understood as we only met.

"And that little one is Seungmin." Grandma introduced him to me.

I sat down and tried to pet Seungmin on his head, but he gnarled at me which scared me. "I forgot to say, but he's kind of unfriendly to those he doesn't know, unlike Felix here who seemed to like you." I looked at Felix and he was chirping nonstop.

Grandma let me enter her house, and it's so cozy inside. I couldn't feel the coolness of the breeze from the forest.

"Let me show you your bedroom." Grandma said, she held my hand and guided me upstairs. There were only 2 doors upstairs, which are her and my bedroom doors. Mine was at the left side.

She opened the door to my bedroom and the first thing I saw was a wolf sleeping at the bed. Grandma was shocked and hurriedly went to the wolf.

"Chan, wake up. I told you that my granddaughter will sleep here from now on. You can't sleep here." Grandma said as she shook the wolf to wake him up. The wolf stood up and slowly walked out of the room as he stretched his body.

"Sorry if that bothered you, but that's Chan, another one of my companions. Later you'll meet the rest of them." She said and walked around the room as she explained everything to me.

The room was already clean, the bed was tidied up and the bathroom was full of stuff I will need. We went downstairs to check my belongings from the moving team.

The truck was still there and the boxes were already inside the front yard. I thanked the moving team, paid them and then they left.

One by one, I carried the boxes to my room. After a few minutes of carrying my stuff, grandma went to my room with some snacks.

"Come to me after you eat. I'll introduce you to my other companions." I nodded and she left the room.


Hellooo~ how are you guys?

It's been years, I guess since I finished writing my first book. And here I am with my second one. And as you can notice, SKZOO is making their appearance.

I'm also changing a bit of the SKZOO, especially Dwaekki (Changbin's SKZOO). We all know that his SKZOO is a hybrid of a rabbit and a pig, and I decided to use the pig one since Minho is the rabbit. I hope this won't offend some readers since I already explained it before introducing the rest of the characters.

I hope you guys will enjoy and support this second book of mine as how you enjoy and support the first book I wrote.

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