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Bubbas POV:

After I put them back on my bed I went downstairs and to the basement again. Once done there I start cutting up some meat. I wondered what they were doing right now, all alone in my room. I stop cutting meat and clean my hands and apron off and I go back upstairs to my room, where Y/N was. I open the door and walk over to them, sitting next to them.

They sit up and look at me with a small smile. I make some noises, smiling. "Bubba, I can't understand you." They say, giggling a little bit. They put their hand on my cheek and I move their hand before taking my mask off. They cup my cheeks with their hands and I kiss them, my hands on their waist.

They pull away. "If your brothers found out that we kiss sometimes we'd both be in so much trouble."

I nod.
"How about we do something else? Maybe we can cook? I can teach you how to cook some things that's not made of human meat." They say, standing up and putting their hand out to me. I take their hand, smiling. I put my mask back on and we go downstairs to the kitchen.

Your POV:

We go downstairs to the kitchen and I get some stuff out. I then start teaching bubba how to bake cookies. I couldn't believe he'd never baked them before, but I guess he is a cannibal and only eats human meat. I show him how to make cookies and help him. Once we had the cookies on the pan we put them in the oven and wait.

Though maybe we waited a little too long and didn't realize because when Bubba got them out, they were burnt. So, I decide to make another batch and this time I would watch them and set a timer.

As we wait, since we were alone, I steal a kiss. It was quick but passionate. After the cookies were done, I take them out and they were delicious. So we took them upstairs to his room and cuddled while we ate the cookies and talked about random stuff. Well, I'm the one who did the talking he kinda just listened and ate cookies.

Drayton opens the door and sees us. "The hell are you two doin'?" He asks, walking over to the bed. "We made cookies and now we're talking while eating the cookies." I say and Bubba nods. "The cookies are probably disgusting since you made them..." he says as he grab one and takes a bite, releasing they're actually pretty good. He still pretended that he didn't like them.

We start arguing before Bubba mumbles something and Drayton yells at him before leaving. Me and Bubba start cuddling again. We had finished all the cookies and now we were tired so we fall asleep together.

Authors note: This chapter is kinda short but that's because I'm tired and have no more motivation. It took forever to forgive out what I wanted to happen. I don't know what'll happen next chapter yet so it might take a while before it's published.

Word count: 534

~Captured~ Bubba Sawyer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now