Chapter 3

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I waited, pinned beneath Soren's bulky weight, to know what lay in store for me. Would he snap my neck and be done with it?

Another growl sounded and I gritted my teeth. He didn't need to use words. His growls resonated inside of me, vibrating throughout my entire body, telling me what he wanted from me. He wanted me to shift.

Fuck that.

Shifting with a wolf's teeth locked around my nape was a death sentence. I tried to hold out, barely managing. Then two more growls once again joined his and I knew I'd lost. They were working together against me, and my body—for some unknown reason—was complying.

My gasp was loud as I felt the power wash over me, tingling, as my wolf form melted away. He must have felt it too because in the seconds it took me to shift to human form, he did the same.

My breasts were squashed flat, sticks and other debris digging into my skin. A huge hand wrapped around my throat from behind and I sucked in a shuddering breath. His hand tightened more, forcing me to hold it in for a beat before he released it, allowing me to exhale. He was showing me that I was only breathing because he allowed it.

Message received, dickhead.

"Do you have a death wish, Little One?"

I snorted at that. I wasn't little. My body was made as an alpha's was. Or what I'd always imagined a female alphas was supposed to be. While omegas were small and petite, and even beta females were dwarfed by me, I had been an Amazon amongst my father's pack. My wolf was even bigger. That didn't seem to matter with these three however, as they were easily double my size.

"Speak," the third man barked at me, irritated that I wasn't answering his leader. I hadn't realized that all three of them had shifted. The other two were circled around me, barring me from the eyes of their fellow pack mates as much as they could. I started to avert my gaze because there was junk as far as the eye could see. They didn't seem to care that they were naked.

I wasn't going to give them the respect of being bashful if they didn't care. If they were going to let it hang out, I'd take a nice long look. My eyes widened as I realized that Atlas was as proportionate as a man his size should be. My jaw dropped as I stared at the massive length between his legs. Goddess, that was intimidating.

A growl came from the only one whose name I didn't know, forcing my gaze back to him. I studied him. He was just as gorgeous as his cadre mates. Muscular, though he had more of a runner's build than the other two, and damn he was pretty with his light brown hair and pale blue eyes, but I wasn't about to let any of them know how they were affecting me. "Caught up in little man syndrome, I see."

His eyes narrowed and a snarl ripped through the air. This one had a temper. It didn't matter that my observation was wrong. He may be smaller than the other two, but he was anything but little. Reality didn't matter when I was just trying to piss him off.

"Testing Calder isn't a good idea, Pet," the hulking mountain told me with a chuckle.

"You will answer my questions," Soren ordered, his hand tightening on my throat again.

I didn't know what it was. Why these males spoke to some dark part of me I hadn't known existed. I felt the urge to test them. As one would of potential mates. But that couldn't be right. My father had taken great pleasure in explaining how no males would ever want me as a mate. How could they when I was a freak of nature? An alpha female? Defective.

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