41|Wrong or Right?

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Elianna's POV

I smiled as I stretched on the bed.

I slept like a baby for the whole night.

According to the clock, it was one in the afternoon.

Enzo had probably been long gone.

I liked the way how things were between us now.

We weren't a real married couple but we didn't hate each other as we did before.

We were talking now and laughing with each other.

I actually wanted to see him. I missed his face even though I had seen it last night.

For the whole of last night, he was all I thought about.

I smile when I think of him and how he doesn't realize he is being mean sometimes.

I smile when he clears his throat whenever he is about to say something out of his comfort zone.

I smile when I remember he laughs at my jokes even if they are not that funny to others.

He tries to act like he doesn't care for me but I know he does.

I still blush when I remember that night in his office.

It was nothing but just sex but it felt so good and I wanted to do it again but I can't.

I thought the feelings I had for him was a one time thing and that they were over now but he appeared back in my dreams.

Why does he keep doing this to me? I want things to go back to normal.

I don't even know what these dreams mean.

I thought I was just supposed to have sex with him and then I'll be fine.

What else does my body want?

I turned on my side as the thoughts in my head became too overwhelming.

My eyes landed on my phone next to me.

I quickly sat up and checked to see if it was really mine.

It was!

To be honest, I haven't even missed it.

My mind has been consumed with Enzo and ways to get to the dance studio without Enzo knowing.

If he gave me back my phone then does that mean I can go back to teach the girls?

I don't know.

I fell back on the bed and tried not to think about him anymore.

I need to get him out of my mind.

I don't want to become one of those wives who just thinks about their husbands all day.

However, there is a difference.

Those wives are in love and obsessed with their husbands.

Me on the other hand, I do not even like him. I'm just attracted to him.

There is a distinction between those two.

I picked up my phone and texted Haze.

Elle: I need to see those grades when exams are over. Love you and miss you.

Haze: Even in Italy you're on my ass. Love you and miss you too.

Elle: You're damn right I am.

I turned off my phone and continued to think.

If Haze decided to slack off now then I will bring him over here.

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