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࿔*:・thirty ࿔*:・

°. *࿐ ༻༺ ࿐°. *

Carter had not expected to wake up to the sound of pebbles hitting her window. She sat up in bed, squinting at the window, slightly grateful that she'd closed the curtains otherwise she would've been much more grumpier.

She stumbled out of bed, untangling herself from the blanket before she pulled the curtains back, only to be met with her imprint's bright grin.

"Paul?" She questioned, opening the window and the man waved with a cheeky smile, "It's like 8 in the morning. What are you doing here?" She mumbled quietly, knowing well that he could hear her.

He made a gesture, "Back up, I'm coming up." Carter obeyed immediately, moving away from the window and within a second, Paul's hand appeared on the edge and he easily pulled himself up.

Carter cleared her hair away from her face as she moved towards the boy sitting in her window, "what are you, spiderman?" She chuckled, pulling him inside the room.

His hands instinctively found their way around her waist and Carter realised how close they were standing to each other. Of course, they often found themselves in the same position but something about this was... different.

She gripped his forearms, her eyes flicked over every inch of his face, stopping on his lips. She gazed intently, the urge to lock her lips with his was unbelievably strong and Carter suspected that the imprint bond played some part in it too. She leaned in unconsciously, licking her lips as they suddenly felt dry.

Paul cleared his throat, snapping Carter out of her trance as a red blush stained her cheeks. She looked up at him, groaning at the teasing look in his eyes and the smirk he sent her way. She smacked his arm lightly, embarrassed about getting caught but the man simply chuckled and wrapped his hands around her wrists, stopping her harmless attack.

He pulled her closer, staring directly into her eyes and Carter felt like her heart would beat out of her chest. He smiled softly, "Happy birthday." He wished, his voice deeper than usual as he pulled out a medium-sized box, and handing it to her.

She took it after a moment, ripping apart the purple wrapping and quickly opened the box. In front of her sat a vintage Polaroid camera. Carter gapped at it, "holy shit this is beautiful," she gasped and Paul laughed, "yeah. I think it's my Grandma's. It's been sitting in my attic for years. I thought you would put it to good use."

"Paul. I love it. Thank you." She grinned, reaching up to peck his cheek.

"Does it work?" She asked, bringing it closer to her face as she pointed it towards his face.

"Um, I think so-" he was interrupted by the camera flashing, almost blinding him as a film slipped out from below. Carter pulled it out, putting it on her desk as she waited for the picture to show.

Paul groaned, rubbing his eyes and blinking slowly as Carter chuckled, "Sorry," she grinned and Paul gave her a look, "you're so not."

She chuckled again, nodding quickly before she put the undeveloped picture on her desk and turned to look at him.
He had settled on the edge of her bed and smiled at his imprint.

Just as Carter opened her mouth to say something, the sound of a door creaking caught their attention and Carter's eyes widened in fear. Paul quickly stood up, trying to find a place to hide but Carter pulled his arm, moving towards the window and Paul quickly climbed out. He grabbed onto the edge and turned to look at her, "come to Sam's in the evening," he said before grinning, "Happy birthday." He mumbled, kissing the corner of her lips.

Astrophile (Paul Lahote x OC)Where stories live. Discover now